Use the Cash Requirements program to print a report showing the future payments due to vendors for purchases made through the purchase orders system. The report prints all open PO receipt lines regardless whether they are assigned to an invoice.
This report is useful in cash management by showing the upcoming cash outlays. The report contains dated columns showing amounts due to each vendor for each purchase order during that time period. Information on this report comes from the purchase orders file and/or the purchase order receipts file.
You have the option to:
Select the beginning and ending vendor to print.
Select warehouse(s) to print.
Select due date or discount due date as the date to determine time period the document falls.
Print up to six time groupings.
Select up to 99 days to be used for automatic date increments.
Select the dates for the time groupings.
Print purchase orders and/or registered receipts.
Print summary or detail information.
The different report formats include the following information:
Summary: vendor number, name, terms and vendor’s balance due in each of the date columns.
Detail: summary plus document number, type (purchase order or receipt), due date and the document amount due in each of the date columns. Both vendor and report totals are included.
Detail by item: detail plus each line-item on each document and the document amount due in each of the date columns.
The total number of vendors listed is also included.
Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Reports & Prints -->Cash Requirements.
1. Beginning Vendor
Enter the beginning vendor number to print. Press F1 or
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors.
2. Ending Vendor
Enter the ending vendor number to print. Press F1 or
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors.
3. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse to print. The entry must be a valid warehouse. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F1 or to default to ALL. Press F2 or
to search for warehouses.
4. Due/Discount Date
Enter whether the DU-due date or DI-discount due date should be used to determine which aging column an amount is placed in. The due date and discount due dates are calculated by the system, based on the terms code entered during Purchase Order Entry or Receipts. The program defaults to DU.
5. Type
Enter whether O-orders and/or R-registered receipts should print on the report. If O is entered, the report uses information from the purchase orders file. If R is entered, the report uses information from the purchase order receipts file. Only receipts that have been updated by the purchase order Receipts Register are found in the receipts file. The program defaults to ALL and includes both document types.
6. Scope
Enter whether the report should print S-summary, D-detail, or I-detail by item information. The program defaults to Summary.
7. Groupings
Enter the number of date groupings to print (2-5). The program defaults to 5.
8. Auto Increment
Enter the number of days to be used for automatic date increments (1-99). The system may determine column dates using a beginning date and incrementing from that date. For example, if each aging column is to contain a seven-day time period, enter 7. Enter 0 to enter each column date manually.
9. Dates
Enter the ending date for the first date grouping. If automatic increments are to be used, the next groups calculate automatically. If automatic increments are not used, enter each group ending date up to the number of groups selected. The program defaults to the system date.
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Using reports and prints as audit trails