
Header Detail---Displays the header record, all header fields except #1-4 are accessible through the change header routine. The PO number, vendor, type, and ship-from values can only be changed by deleting and re-entering the PO.

Line Detail---Displays the Line Detail for Purchase Order screen, which is used to view and modify item descriptions, promise and request dates, item details, item/vendor info, and item cost info. .

Warehouse or Direct---Accesses the Warehouse/Direct Ship Selection dialog box to create a direct shipment, select the image\whse_dir_shg.gif icon or press F1. If the PO is a direct ship, enter the warehouse that is to be the initiating warehouse. The warehouse entered for a direct ship is stored only to determine where the PO originated; inventory quantities and restocking controls are not affected.

Job Number---Displays the job Information dialog box, which is sued to enter the valid job number to post this entry against. For valid job numbers, the system displays the job name, customer number and name, and billing type. Press Enter to default to the last job number entered (if any). Press F2 to search. Note: If the Use Job Cost flag is set to N in the purchase orders static control record or if the item is a special order or the purchase order is a direct ship, the system skips this field.

Pop Up Options---Select the Header Fields, Set 1 Fields, and Set 3 Fields menu options to displays additional fields during the entry process. You can deselect these options if you do not want these fields to display on your system.

Header Fields---The system displays an additional vendor info dialog box, which is used to enter information in the following fields: Freight, Buyer, Ship Via, Lead Time, F.O.B., and Reference Number.

Set 1 Fields---The system displays the Item Information dialog box, which contains the vendor relation, last lead-time, vendor-item number, item class, standard package size, buying weight, and inventory quantities.

Set 3 Fields---The system displays the Footer Detail for PO Number dialog box. You can enter information in the following fields: Memo, Freight, Tax %, and Acknowledgement and Confirmation.

Import Suggested POs---Allows you to import suggested POs. This option is available for purchase orders that are not direct ships and have suggested purchase orders on file for the specified vendor.