Access any of the following views for Vendor Inquiry:
Items, which displays the item number, item description and vendor/item number.
Past purchase orders, which displays past PO information including PO number, receipt number, date received, warehouse code, ship-to, warehouse or direct ship type, buyer and amount.
Purchase orders, which displays purchase order information including document number, type (purchase order, backorder, non-invoiced receipt), status (entered but not printed, printed, received, deleted, voided after received), requested date, promised date, warehouse, ship-to location, buyer code and the amount. Job Cost users: If the item was purchased for a job, the job number, cost code, entry memo and bill extension also appears in the view area.
Receipts, which displays purchase order receipts information including document number, receipt number, received date, warehouse, terms code, amount and invoice.
Ship-from addresses, which displays ship-from information from the vendor ship-from file including ship-from code, vendor name, contact person and phone number.
Suggested purchase orders, which displays suggested PO information including item number, item description, warehouse code, units, unit of measure, order number, line number for which the suggested PO was created and suggested PO type (R-restocking or S-special order).
Notes---Displays any notes entered in Vendor Inquiry or Notes Entry SME710 for the selected vendor. Refer to the Viewing/Entering Notes from Purchase Order Programs topic for details. Use this view to add, change or delete notes as well.