image\FLM_shg.gifFile Maintenances (SAS900)

File Maintenance programs allow you to enter, change and delete data. These programs are used to enter the initial data required to set up the system (refer to Installation Manual).

You may find that you use certain file maintenances often, while others you only use during installation. We refer to the latter as Infrequent File Maintenances.

The following programs are located on the SA File Maintenances menu:

Branch Data Entry (SAE910), which is used to create and maintain the SA branch file that includes sales and costing information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Customer Data Entry SAE915), which is used to create and maintain the SA customer by ship-to file that includes sales and costing information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Salesperson Data Entry (SAE920), which is used create and maintain the SA salesperson/territory file, which includes sales and costing information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Item Data Entry (SAE925), which is used to create and maintain the SA item file that includes sales, costing and units sold for the current period and the 26 previous periods.

Item Class Data Entry (SAE930), which is used to create and maintain the SA item class file that includes sales, costing and unit sales information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Customer/Item Data Entry (SAE935), which is used to create and maintain the SA customer/ item file that includes sales, costing and unit sales information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Customer/Item Class Data Entry (SAE940), which is used to create and maintain the SA customer/item class file that include sales and costing information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Salesperson/Item Class Data Entry (SAE945), which is used to create and maintain the SA salesperson/item class file, which includes sales and costing information for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Item/Warehouse F/M (SAF950), which is used to create and maintain the SA item/warehouse file that includes sales, costing and unit sales figures for the current period and 26 previous periods.

Item/Invoice F/M (SAF955), which is used to create and maintain the SA item/invoice file which includes for each item sold the invoice number, line number, customer number, dollar sales, cost, unit sales, register date, and warehouse.

Customer/Item MTD Data Entry (SAE960), which is used to create and maintain the SA MTD, YTD customer/item file which includes month-to-date and year-to-date customer, item and ship-to information.

Temporary Item F/M (SAF965), which is used to create and maintain the SA temporary item file that will be used to print the Temporary Item Report.

Lot Item F/M (SAF975), which is used to create and maintain the SA item lot file, which includes purchase information and sales information on each lot item number.

Serial Item F/M (SAF970), which is used to create and maintain the serial item file, which includes purchase information and sales information on each serial number item.

See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use file maintenance programs

Information for creating and maintaining the SA branch file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA customer by ship-to file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA salesperson/territory file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA item file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA item class file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA customer/ item file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA customer/item class file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA salesperson/item class file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA item/warehouse file

Information for creating and maintaining SA item/invoice file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA MTD, YTD customer/item file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA temporary item file

Information for creating and maintaining the serial item file

Information for creating and maintaining the SA item lot file