Ship Complete is a warehouse- and line-level designation that has one of three values:
Shipping Eligibility of an Order
If an order or line is "eligible to ship", that means the order has met the requirements to ship according to the ship complete setting and the amount of committed stock on the order. Balance complete on both the warehouse and line level will behave like a partial shipment when considering if the order is eligible to ship. If items are shipping from a warehouse that is set to require approval, those items must have an approved status in addition to being fully committed in order to be considered eligible to ship.
Ship Complete in a Multiple Warehouse Environment: In a multiple warehouse environment, warehouse-level ship complete applies to each warehouse individually. However, if the initiating warehouse is set to print consolidated pick ticket only, all warehouses will be evaluated together to determine if the order is eligible to ship.
The Ship Complete setting on SO Entry Options F/M (SOF915) determines which Order Entry programs use the Ship Complete feature. Based on your systems settings in SO Entry Options F/M, all of the Sales Order entry programs (except Credit Memo Entry (SOE330)) contain a Ship Complete field on the detail screens but only the pick ticket is affected by this setting. It is available through other Sales Order Entry programs because order processing from them can in certain instances create a pick ticket. For example when you backorder a direct invoice you can create a pick ticket. Blanket orders and recurring documents also ultimately create a pick ticket. The Ship Complete setting from Blanket Sales Order Entry (SOE710), Quote Entry (SOE110), and Recurring Document Entry (SOE350) default to the order and is for all warehouses. Once the order is created this setting is modifiable like any other order. .
The Ship Complete field also resides in Customer F/M (ARF910) on the Invoicing tab. It is used as the initial default when orders or quotes are created for a customer. When a new customer is added by using the F1-Add feature in the Sales Order entry programs, the ship complete setting is loaded with the default values used when adding a new customer in Customer F/M. If the fields need to be changed, it must be done in Customer F/M. When a TeleFACTS prospect is converted to a customer, the ship complete setting is loaded with the default values used when adding a new customer in Customer F/M.
The Additional Info tab of Ship-To F/M (ARF920) also contains a Ship Complete field. When a new ship-to record is added, these value defaults from the customer record.
Order Processing
When lines are added to an order, the line ship complete value always default to "N".
If a warehouse ship complete setting is changed and there are lines on the order shipping from that warehouse, changes will take place as follows:
If you change the ship complete setting from "N" to "Y" or "B"
If you change the ship-to value:
If there are no lines on the order shipping from the initiating warehouse, the warehouse ship complete flag is changed to the ship-to’s ship complete flag. No user prompt occurs.
If the ship-to’s ship complete setting is different from the initiating warehouse’s ship complete setting, the system displays the message "Change the initiating warehouse ship complete of XXX to the ship-to ship complete of XXX? Yes/No".
If you select "No", the initiating warehouse ship complete remains unchanged.
If you select "Yes", the system performs the same steps as above that deal with the change to ship complete. The only difference is that if you received the message that the line setting will be cleared, you will not have the Cancel option. The system will have already displayed messages that allow you to cancel from this process. The system displays informational messages only and changes the ship complete settings as necessary.
If you change the ship-to value to "SAME" or "TEMP" all of the above processing still applies, but the values come from the customer record instead of the ship-to record.
If the ship complete is changed for the initiating warehouse, the system determines if the warehouse pick ticket has already been printed but is not in the reprint file already and prompts you to add changed warehouse to the reprint file (similar to when a line is edited).