Import Contracts ((SOE567) is available when contracts are available from import from Excel. The Import menu option is available from the Data Menu of Contract Maintenance (SOE567). The Import command brings in a contract collection from Excel into Contract Maintenance.
Import Requirements
For the import process to work, the following requirements be met in Excel and Contract Maintenance. Excel must be open before the import can succeed. The spreadsheet to be imported must also be open/displayed. The spreadsheet must also be sorted by Column A (the “Line” column) so that the information is in the originally exported order. The Import must be performed when the collection in Contract Maintenance is empty. Perform a “Collection – Reset” if a recently opened collection is still loaded or if an unsaved collection is displayed to enable the import menu option.
Processing Details
During the import process, information concerning the contracts will be updated on the Excel spreadsheet itself in the “Import Msgs” column. After you select DataImport in from the Contract Maintenance menu, the entire spreadsheet is checked for invalid data. FACTS displays a message indicating for the number of rows that failed validation and those that passed and will be imported. If there are any failed rows, you can check “Import Msgs” column on the Excel spreadsheet to review and/or fix the problem before starting the import. When the import process is complete, the lines that imported successfully with have their status changed to “I”. Those that failed to import will have a status of “F”.
Importing Rules for Data Entered in the Excel Spreadsheet
All spreadsheet values entered in the Excel spreadsheet may only be in the ranges acceptable when using Contract Entry. Any values that would not be accepted through Contract Entry in FACTS will cause that row to fail to import.
No reformatting of numeric values (such as adding parentheses around numbers or adding dollar signs or adding percent signs) is to be done if the spreadsheet is to be imported later. Any such changes will cause that Excel row to fail to import.
Date entry is only allowed in the numeric format of MM/DD/YYYY – forward-slash use separating the month, day and year is mandatory (do not use backslash or dashes or other characters to separate date values as that will cause the excel row of that invalid date value to fail to import). The Effective date column may also have the word “Always”. Contracts that are linked to a previous contract will not import the effective date. The Expiration date column may also have the word “Never”. Contracts that are linked to a subsequent contract will not import the expiration date.
No Excel spreadsheet cells may be imported when ‘blanked’/’empty’ – Empty cells for import will result in the row failing to import.
Any break quantity, if present, that is not in ascending order (when more than 1 break quantity exists for that specific contract) will result in the row failing to import.
Press OK to import the Excel spreadsheet for contract collection into Contract Maintenance (SOE567)
Press Cancel to stop the import process.
See Also
Using Excel for Contract Maintenance Import/Export
Contract Maintenance Filter (SOE567)