The Document Inquiry program allows you to inquire into any sales orders (including blanket sales orders), quotes, or past invoices in the system. You can display the actual document in detail through this program.
You can inquire by document number. Displayed information includes document number, type, status, and entry date, customer number and name, ship-to number, document total, and designated warehouse salesperson, and order priority
In Past Invoice mode, the AR Disputed indicator and memo also display on the main screen. In Quote mode, there are also a few slight differences in the screen display.
If the View Description 1 option is "off", a memo will now display in the Full Description column (at the end of the browser). If the View Description 1 option is "on", the memo will now display in the Description column.
For Past Documents, the line browser displays all lines that are in SOPIND table for the current document. Since a past document can be tied to several invoices, the browser does not display line (seq) numbers. You do not need to enter a line number to access line detail. For past documents, there is no Current mode in.
For past invoices, you can select File-->Print to access the past Invoice Print (SOC240) program, which allows you to print past invoices by route and warehouse.
Sales Order Document Notes
For open quotes and open sales order documents and past invoices, document and line notes are available to view or edit, based on your user security access. For past documents, notes are only available to view/edit (, based on your user security access) from the Invoice view (accessed by the Invoice button) of Document Inquiry.
Disputed Document Indicator
The SO Doc Inquiry in view-only Past Invoice mode provides an indicator for disputed documents. If any of the corresponding open invoice records in AROPEN are disputed, the text "*Disputed Invoice*" and memo are displayed in the upper portion of the SO Doc Inquiry screen.. For example, if you have an open invoice with split terms and only one of the terms is in dispute, the drill to SO Doc Inquiry will display the disputed indicator for both continuation lines. The disputed memo (50 characters) is the first encountered memo for that invoice (first disputed continuation).
The AR Disputed indicator only appears in Past Invoice mode.
SO Doc Inquiry line detail contains a field labeled Price Origin. If Price Type is "P", the field contains the standard price description from the IC Static Control record. If Price Type is "L", the field contains the level price description from IC Static that corresponds to D3$(12,1) - Level field.
The Ordered amount column header displays as "Orig Ord" in Overview mode for Open Docs and Past Docs and displays the original ordered amount. In Current mode, the column displays as "Ordered’ and displays the current ordered amount.
The source CRS/BSO number appears above the Customer number on the main screen and in the title bar of Line Detail for Open Docs, Past Docs, and Past Invoices. The Last CRS appears to the right of Invoice number in Line Detail of Past Docs and Past Invoices.
You can search open sales order documents, past sales order documents, blanket sales orders, quotes or past invoices.
Search quotes according to quote number.
When searching sales order documents:
When searching blanket sales order documents:
Note: In Blanket Orders mode only the Current view is available.
When searching past invoices:
Note: In Past Invoices mode only the Current view is available.
UnForm Archiving Functionality
Documents that are archived in UnForm are available for viewing from literally hundreds of programs throughout FACTS. Throughout the Document Inquiry view, look for buttons or hyperlinks that refer to Archived Doc, Archived Pick, Archived Inv, Archived BSO, to view the archived document that contains a line in the inquiry browser .
Use the following fields view Document Inquiry information:
1. Whse
When you first access Document Inquiry, the upper portion of the screen contains a Whse field, which is used to locate specify the warehouse used in the inquiry. The system defaults to the initiating warehouse for the user. You can select the
icon or F3 if you want to search for a specific warehouse or press
to indicate that you want to use all warehouses for the document inquiry.
2. Document (Or Invoice) Number
The document type field (unlabeled) defaults to display sales order documents by sales order document number. You can also use the drop-down list to select open documents or past documents, blanket sales orders, past invoices, or quotes. You can select from the following document types: O-Open Document, P-Past Document, I-Past Invoice, B-Blanket or Q-Quote.
Enter the document/invoice number to display. Entering a valid sales order document/invoice number displays the document as it would be in the corresponding entry program (Quote Entry for quotes, Direct Invoice Entry for invoices, Credit Memo Entry for credit memos, Blanket Order Entry for blankets, etc.), and denotes the type in the center top of the screen. If the document is on hold, *HOLD* is displayed in the header next to the ship-to number. Documents on hold may not be printed or confirmed.
You can select the
icon or F3 if you want to search for a specific document number.
Select the
icon to open a search that also sets a filter for the
buttons to display the next document on file. For example, if you select an item from the Item tab in the search, the
buttons access other documents that have that item on them. If you select a vendor from the vendor tab, the
buttons take you to other documents from that vendor.
You can also select
Search Tip: You can search by Document or Invoice number, customer, item or reference number (except for quotes). The Filter function allows you to set the sort order and filter by keywords, customer, doc type, and status.
Past Invoice View Details
In the Past Invoices view of SO Document Inquiry, there are 2 special buttons available above the line item browser. The GL Posting button is enabled when the transaction highlighted in the browser is one that allows for drill back from the source document to the GL posting that was created by the register. If the GL posting records can be found, then Journal Inquiry will display defaulting to showing transactions for this document only. The AR Detail button is available to view the AR document associated with the invoice if it is still on file.
From the Past Invoice view, you can also select the File-->Print Invoices option to print past invoices.
3. In the upper portion of the screen, the system displays the header information for the selected document. In the lower portion the screen, the system displays document lines.
4. You can select the:
Invoices button to display the invoice numbers for this document (only valid for open sales orders). The system displays a list of invoices for this order. You can then choose an invoice to display or return to the main screen. For past documents, notes are only available to view/edit (based on your user security access) from the Invoice view (accessed by the Invoice button) of Document Inquiry.
Header button to access the Header detail screen for the document. Refer to the Document Inquiry Header Detail topic for details.
Dep/Payment button to display Deposit/Payment entry information. The system displays the Deposit/Payment Entry (SOC718) in display-only mode.
Footer button to display the footer memo for the document.
You can highlight a line item and select the:
Line Detail button to access the Line detail screen for the document. Refer to the Document Inquiry Line Number Detail topic for details.
For open quotes and open sales order documents, blanket sales orders and past invoices, select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the sales order header record specified in the program.
Select the
icon to access Note Entry (SME710) for the sales order line record highlighted in the line item browser.
For Past Invoices and Past Documents, the Open Doc button is available to access the open document ties to the past invoice line or past document line.
For Blanket Sales Orders, the Rel Req button is available to access the Blanket Order Entry Release Request Screen (SOE711) in display-only mode.