This program enables you to print manifests for computerized shipping systems and when complete, remove the manifest and post to a history file.
Note: The manifests created from this program are not UPS-approved.
This program prints a summary of all line-items (packages) in the Sales Orders Freight Order File that possess the required criteria.
Print manifests on 8 1/2 x 11-inch paper and in compressed print, so the manifest will fit in 132-column format.
Manifest information includes the following: manifest date, shipper’s address and number, invoice number, consignee and the consignee’s address, UPS zone, package weight, freight charge, C.O.D. amount, declared value, and if the package uses the GroundTrac service, if it is oversized or if a call tag has been issued. The manifest also sub-totals every one hundred packages. A summary is printed for each zone, including the number of letters, number of packages, total weight, total freight charge, number of C.O.D. packages, total C.O.D. charges, total insurance charge, and total number of call tags. The summary concludes with the total number of GroundTrac packages on the manifest, total number of C.O.D. packages, total C.O.D. charges, and total UPS revenue.
You have the option of printing manifests by warehouse and multiple warehouses. If printing by multiple warehouses, the program uses the shipper number from the first warehouse code entered.
1. Date
Enter the date of the shipment that is to print on the manifest. This is the date the manifest was picked up by UPS. Press F1 or the
icon to default to the system date.
2. Ship Via
Enter the ship via code for which the manifest is supposed to print. Ship Via codes are set up and maintained in the Ship Via F/M (Sales Orders-->File Maintenances-->Ship Via F/M). NOTE: The program reads through the Freight Orders File and gets the ship via from the document. If any of the letters in the document ship via are in the same order as all the letters in the entered ship via, the manifest prints. For example, if you enter UPS1ST, the system prints all freight orders with UPS1ST or UPSRED in the ship via. Also, if you enter UPS, the system prints all freight orders with UPS in the ship via. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
3. Warehouse
Enter the valid warehouse code that shipped the freight orders. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description and the UPS shipper number that prints on the manifest. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search. Press F3 or the
icon to default to ALL and use the shipper number of the first warehouse code on file.
4. Pickup Record Number
Enter the UPS-generated number that verifies that the carrier picked up the shipment. This can be helpful when tracking packages in the shipment.
Removing the manifest from the system:
After the freight manifest prints, the program asks whether the manifest and its packages should be removed from SO Freight Orders system and transferred to a history file. Aperum advises that you remove the manifest after packages on that shipment have been entered. Otherwise, the system will continue to add freight orders to this document.