The Companion Item Selection/Import Item Selection dialog box displays for selecting companions or importing items from other documents.
The system displays the Companion Item Selection dialog box when during line-item entry when you add an item that has companion items associated with it (via Companion Item Entry (SOE150). The Companion Item Selection dialog box displays from the Order Entry Programs: Quote Entry, Order Entry, Confirmation, Invoice Entry, Counter Sale Entry.
The system displays the Import Item Selection dialog box when during line-item entry when you import items via the policy flags established in Document Import Control F/M. The Import Item Selection dialog box displays from Quotes, Order Entry, Direct Invoice Entry, and Counter Sale Entry, you can select Options-->Import Items from the menu.
Companion Item Selection Processing Notes
When a line item is originally saved, not from a save in edit mode performs a check to determine whether companion items or companion memos exist for the newly-added item. If no companions exist or if all companions are flagged as Not Applicable to the current entry program, the program will continue without interruption.
The Companion Item Entry (SOE150) program allows you to select whether the import of items/memos is automatic, prompted, or not applicable to the entry program. If any companion items/memos are flagged as "Y-Default to Y" or "N-Default to N," you have the option to select any of the companion items/memos available. If any companion items/memos are flagged as "A – Automatic Add" then if any additional companion items/memos are flagged as Y or N, then all items/memos that are A, Y and N will be displayed in the Companion Item Selection (SOE151) dialog box. Items designated A for Automatic Add will always be added automatically to the document. If all companions applicable for this order type are flagged as A and there are no Y or N flagged items/memos, then no dialog is displayed and those items/memos will be automatically imported into the document (unless there is an exception that requires user attention, such as the item not being setup in a warehouse). If any companion items/memos are flagged as "X – Not Applicable" then they are not displayed in this dialog and are not allowed for import into the actual document. Once the companion items/memos are selected, the items are imported into the document.
Import Item Selection Processing Notes
As you enter documents in Quotes, Order Entry, Direct Invoice Entry, and Counter Sale Entry, you can select Options-->Import Items from the menu.
The system displays a dialog box where you can select the document type and document number to import. If your system is set to allow you to change the default pricing option (based on Document Import Control F/M), you can also select from two options, "Current Default Prices" and "Source Document Prices".
Then in the Import Item Selection dialog box, the system displays the items from the selected document, including memo lines, where you can choose which items to import and update quantities and pricing, and so on. Once you have completed your selections, the system adds all selected items to the end of the new document.
You can view each line’s source document from line detail in the entry program and/or Document Inquiry.
The system determines which items to import as follows:
Quote – Pulls all lines from the quote selected, regardless of status, except for deleted lines.
Open Order – Pulls all lines that are not flagged as Complete, Deleted or Voided. The quantity used will be the current order quantity, not the original order quantity.
Past Document – Pulls all lines as they appeared on the first shipment we have on file, regardless of line status. The quantity used will be the order quantity, not the original order quantity.
Past Invoice – Pulls all lines that appeared on that invoice that had a positive shipped quantity. The quantity used will be the quantity shipped.
The import procedure calculates price, discount, shipping warehouse, and the direct ship status based on the settings from Document Import Control F/M. The order quantity is set to the order quantity from the source document. The item descriptions are set to those from the source document.
The system considers two shipping warehouses -– the source document’s shipping warehouse and the new document’s initiating warehouse. If the warehouse selected based on the Document Import Control F/M isn’t valid (either the item isn’t on file there or warehouse security fails), the system attempts to use the other one. If both fail the processing criteria, the system leaves the warehouse blank so you can manually select it.
If the warehouse/direct ship status determined by the Document Import Control F/M isn’t valid for the new document, the system uses the setting that’s valid for the new document.
If a BOM item is encountered that doesn’t have stored component history, the system prompts you to select whether to "Skip importing the item" or "Use the component information from MC". If the item is no longer a BOM item in MC, the system skips the items and notifies the user.
Commissions percentages are never be pulled from the source document. The system uses the current commission percentage as the default.
If a past document contains an item that is no longer on file, or any of the information on the line (including UMs, item class, etc) are no longer valid, the system skips the item and displays a message indicating that the item is skipped.
The system applies the SO Static Control flag for recalculating user override prices to importing quotes only. The flag is considered when importing a quote onto a quote, importing a quote onto an order/invoice, and when performing quote conversion. All other type of documents being converted work off the current cost.
In the browser in the lower portion of the screen, the system displays all companion/import items/memo lines defined for the original item entered. You can select the companion items or import items to include on the order. The browser also contains a quantity field and UM field, which will default to the original item qty per UM times the default qty for the companion from the Companion Item Entry program. Press Enter (CR) or double-click on a browser line to edit the warehouse, quantity and UM of the companion item.
If valid companions are found, they are written to the Companion Item on Document file. As they are added, the system calculates the default quantities and the various flags in this file are set as follows:
Direct Ship defaults according to the ship type of the item just added; memo print and export flags will default from the Companion Item Line File;
The Vendor is the primary vendor for the companion item as defined in Item F/M;
The shipping warehouse will default to the initiating warehouse for the document, regardless of the shipping warehouse of the item just added.
For this last condition, if the companion item does not exist in the initiating warehouse, then ** (asterisks) are displayed in the WH column. If you do not select that companion for editing and change the warehouse to a valid warehouse or direct ship, then you will not be allowed to exit the dialog (you can press the Toggle button to set the companion item to Not Import and exit the dialog box ). If the available quantity of the companion is less than the ordered quantity, then the system displays an ! (exclamation point) in the 2nd column of the dialogue.
You can select the following buttons:
All Memos - auto selects all memo lines only for addition on the order.
All Items– auto selects all items only for addition as line-items on the order.
Toggle – Toggle off/on for individual lines in the browser selected for addition as line-items on the order.
Reset All– Clears all selections made.
Done– Accepts changes and creates new line items return to the line-item portion of the Order Entry program.
To modify an existing companion item, highlight the companion item in the browser and select the
icon or press Enter. You can then modify the following fields:
1. Direct
Indicate whether the item is a direct ship.
2. Whse
Modify the warehouse for the companion/import item
3. Quantity
Modify the quantity of the companion/import item.
4. Price
Modify the price per displayed pricing unit of measure. Enter L and a level number for a price level if applicable. Press F2 to change the unit of measure for pricing if more than one is set up for this item. Press F3 or
to search for another price. This field defaults to the pricing default UM for this item. The system indicates if the company uses LIFO or FIFO, if you are in Invoice entry, and have selected a contract price that’s based on the SO Cost.
5. Discount $ or Discount %
Depending on the setting in SO Static Control F/M, the Discount $ or Discount % field is available.
Discount $ Enter the dollar amount to discount off this item. The program automatically calculates the equivalent percentage discounted. It also multiplies the dollar amount by the ordered quantity and displays the discount extension to the right. This field is enabled if the Invoice Discounts control in SO Static Control is set to Use Dollar Invoice Discounts.
Discount % Enter the percentage by which to discount this item. The program automatically calculates the equivalent dollar amount discounted. It also multiplies the dollar amount by the ordered quantity and displays the discount extension to the right. This field is enabled if the Invoice Discounts control in SO Static Control is set to Use Percentage Invoice Discounts.
6. Commission %
Enter a commission percentage for this line item. A line item commission adds to any commission assigned to the selected item, customer or salesperson in their respective file maintenances. These standard item, customer, contract price, and salesperson commissions appear next the commission prompt. The SM Company Control F/M Commission flag and Commission basis prompts control the order in which they appear. Press F1 to set this field to Use Default when the user override flag is set.
Calculating Commissions: There are five commission percent sources: customer, salesperson, item, price and current line commission. The system contains a user override flag and a price type to designate if the user overrode the line’s commission during order entry. Refer to the Calculating Commissions topic for processing details.
The Commission % field displays only if it is selected to show up in the calling program.
7. Press F3 (End Entries) to complete the companion/import item entry. Select the
icon to stop modifying the companion item. Press the
icon to save your changes to the companion/import item line.