This program enables you to enter service proposals into the Service and Repair system. Use this program to create new proposals or edit existing ones.
When you create proposals, you can import information from existing proposals. They can also be converted into contracts.
The Proposal Entry screen consists of three sections:
enter customer number, site, effective and expiration dates, etc. are entered |
enter each piece of equipment and its corresponding price, quantity, etc. |
enter memos |
Use the Proposal Print program. Proposals may be imported from other proposals and/or corrected using this entry program.
Proposals remain in the system even after they are imported to another proposal or contract. To remove proposals from the system, use the Expired Proposal Removal program during the Service and Repair End of Period procedures..
1. Proposal Number
Proposal numbers are automatically assigned by the system. Proposal numbers already existing on file are displayed and the program proceeds to the selection prompt. To use automatic quote numbers, press CR. The system assigns the next available number. The word NEXT is displayed until the header portion is completed. F2 allows a search.
2. Customer Number
Enter the customer number for this proposal. Entering a valid customer number displays the customer's address, contact 1, and phone number.
3. Salesperson/Territory
Enter the salesperson/territory code for this customer. The entry will default to the salesperson/territory code assigned to the ship-to number. F2 allows a search.
4. Terms Code
Enter the payment terms code. The entry will default to the terms code assigned the customer. Entering a valid terms code displays a partial description. F2 allows a search.
5. Department Code
Enter the GL department code. The entry will default to the department assigned to the terminal. Entering a valid department number displays a partial description. F2 allows a search.
6. Effective Date
Enter the estimated date this proposal would become effective if it were imported into a contract.
7. Expiration Date
Enter the date this proposal will expire.
8. Price Type
Enter whether this proposal will be priced as a flat rate or by line item. Use flat rate pricing to charge one amount to all items listed on the contract, or line item pricing to charge by the accumulation of each line item. It is possible to have a 0$ (zero dollar) proposal for services but have preventative maintenance or meter cycles trigger the billing within the body of the proposal.
9. Months
Enter the months for which an invoice should post for this document. CR defaults to ALL.
Proposals have no affect on billing. For this document to affect billing, it must be imported into a contract.
10. Post Date
Enter the day of the month which an invoice should post for this document.
Ü Proposals have no affect on billing. For this document to affect billing, it must be imported into a contract.
11. Contact
Enter the customer contact for this proposal. CR defaults to the first contact from the customer record. For ease of selection, all contacts from the customer record will display at the bottom of the screen.
12. Phone Number
Enter the customer’s phone number. CR defaults to the first phone number from the customer record.
13. Reference Number
Enter the reference number (up to 15 characters). If the Po Required flag in the Customer File for the selected customer is set to Y, the user must enter the customer's PO number here.
This concludes the header portion of the Proposal Entry program. At this time the proposal number is automatically assigned and displayed.
14. Total
Enter the flat billing rate for this proposal. Access to this field is restricted by price type.
15. Import From Another Proposal or Contract
Enter P to import from another proposal, C to import from another contract, or N to create a new proposal. CR defaults to N. If P or C is entered, enter the proposal or contract number. F2 allows a search.
The user may have established some standard proposals that are specific to each customer and equipment, so that there is no need to enter them each time. By bringing in another proposal, the line-items automatically transfer from the proposal selected to the proposal being entered. The original proposal is not affected by the transfer and remains in its original form.
The line-item portion of the program allows the entry of up to 999 line-item and message lines to complete the proposal. Line numbers are assigned automatically beginning with 001 and increments by one for each individual line-item up to 999. In the rare case where 999 line-items have been entered on a single quote, the program proceeds to the selection prompt and refuses further entries.
16. Item Number
Select on of the following options for this entry:
# Enter an equipment number
M Enter a memo
F1 Add a new equipment record
F2 Allow a search
F3 End line-item entries
17. Coverage
Enter the coverage code for this line item. The coverage code defines the service hours and rates for those hours for this piece of equipment.
18. Response Code
Enter the response code for this line item. The response code defines the priority of responsiveness for this piece of equipment.
19. Service agreement?
Indicate whether this equipment is covered by a service agreement. The following prompts are accessible only if the equipment is covered by a service agreement.
20. Parts Discount
Enter 100 to indicate that there will be no charge for parts for this piece of equipment. For all parts to be chargeable, enter 0 in the parts discount field. Any percentage discount may be entered.
21. Labor Rate
Enter a standard labor rate or assign a rate.
22. Base Charge
Enter a minimum charge for this piece of equipment.
23. Service Code
The service code allows you to specify which service codes will be included or excluded from the contract. If you select included, you only include specific service codes included on this contract. Exclude means that you exclude only specified service codes. No service an all service is a complete exclusion or complete inclusion of all service codes.
24. Repair Parts
This option allows you maximum flexibility by item to include or exclude from the contract certain repair parts.
25. Preventative Maintenance?
Indicate whether this equipment is covered by preventative maintenance. The following prompts are accessible only if the equipment is covered by preventative maintenance.
26. Service Code
Enter the service code that describes the type of service which will be provided as part of this preventative maintenance.
27. Frequency Code
Enter the frequency code when this preventative maintenance will take place. Press F1 if the preventative maintenance is for a metered item.
28. Meter
This field is accessible only if F1-Meter was selected in the Frequency Code field. Enter the frequency code at which this meter will be read.
29. Schedule/Start
Indicate when to schedule the preventative maintenance: Schedule first P/M Immediately after contract effective date, or the Next frequency from contract effective date.
30. Price
Enter the price to charge for this preventative maintenance or press F1-Actual labor. Press F3-End to exit preventative maintenance.
31. Meter
Indicate whether this equipment is covered by a metered agreement. The following screen is accessible only if the equipment is covered by a metered agreement.
32. Meter Code
Enter the meter code that represents the corresponding meter reading and billing information for this equipment. The default level and pricing information will display for that meter code. Once a frequency code is entered, the default level and pricing information may be changed if necessary.
33. Frequency Code
Enter the frequency code that describes how often this meter is to be read.
34. Price
Enter the contract price per billing cycle. Press F3 to end line item entry.
This concludes the line-item portion of the Proposal Entry program. The running total is updated and displayed. The line number is incremented by one, displayed, and the program returns to the item field for the next line-item entry.
Following the entry of the last line-item, the selection field provides the following functions:
# Change a line-item
F2 Change the header
F3 Access the ending routine
A Add a line-item
D Delete the entire proposal
The ending routine consists of the final fields prior to completion of the proposal. The ending routine is not accessible if no line-items have been entered. Ending routine information is displayed on the lower portion of the screen. The displayed total will be adjusted by tax and freight during the ending routine.
35. Memo
Enter the memo to print on the proposal. Enter (CR) defaults to the standard memo set up in the Contract Control F/M record. If no memo is needed, the user may press the space bar before entering Enter (CR).
36. Invoice Discount/Amount
This field only appears if % or $ was entered at the Invoice Discounts flag in the SR Contract Control F/M record. Enter the discount percent (maximum of 100) or dollar discount (maximum equals merchandise total) of the merchandise total for the document.
37. Tax Code
This field is not available if the Charge Tax flag in the SR Contract Control F/M record is set to N. Enter the tax code for this ship-to customer. The entry must be a valid tax code. Enter (CR) defaults to the currently displayed value (initially the customer's ship-to tax code).
Ü If you back up to this prompt and do not press F1 – Skip after changing the tax rate or the tax amount, the system recalculates the charges to reflect the tax code and the changes to the Tax Rate and Amount fields are lost.
38. Tax Rate
This field is only available if the Charge Tax flag in the SR Contract Control F/M record is set to Y. Enter the tax rate for this ship-to customer.
39. Tax Amount
This field is only available if the Charge Tax flag in the SR Contract Control F/M record is set to O. Displays the total tax amount.
40. New Total
Displays the new total - total plus tax.
This concludes the ending routine of the Proposal Entry program. Upon completion of the update, the screen is cleared of field information, and the program returns to the proposal number prompt.