The Find Case Issues (SMF920C) browser is displayed from the Case Issues button in Company Control Maintenance (SMF920).
The records displayed are determined by the in Company Control Maintenance (SMF920).Case Control tab checkbox settings.
If Force Uppercase Item Numbers is checked, the Case Issues button finds lower case items and displays them in the Find Case Issues (SMF 920C) screen. Otherwise, they will not be listed.
If Force Uppercase Customer Numbers is checked, the Case Issues button finds lower case customers. Otherwise, they will not be listed.
If Allow Duplicate Items is not checked, the Case Issues button finds items that have the same alphanumeric string as their item number except different case (like I100/i100) and displays them in the Find Case Issues (SMF 920C) screen. Otherwise, they will not be listed. Note: For FACTS installations that also have eStorefront, item numbers that have the same alphanumeric string except different case are not allowed. Since SQL does not discriminate case, having items in this situation will cause problems. The Case Issues program must be run and conflicts eliminated prior to eStorefront going live.
If Allow Duplicate Customers is not checked, the Case Issues button finds customer who have the same alphanumeric string as their customer number except different case (like C100/c100) and displays them in the Find Case Issues (SMF 920C) screen. Otherwise, they will not be listed.
Note: For FACTS installations that also have eStorefront, customer numbers that have the same alphanumeric string except different case are not allowed. Since SQL does not discriminate case, having items in this situation will cause problems. The Case Issues program must be run and conflicts eliminated prior to eStorefront going live.