Security Code Update (SMU410)

Use this program to change security codes by any range of programs and any selected program types.

Use the following fields:

1. Beginning Program

Enter the beginning program to change security code (6 characters). Press image\ex_allft_shg.gif to default to FIRST.

2. Ending Program

Enter the ending program to change security code (6 characters). Press image\ex_allrt_shg.gif to default to LAST.

3. Update Types

Select the checkboxes for the program type(s) to change (in any combination):

Update All Types, Maintenances, Reports, Updates  Inquiries, Prints, Reports, Updates, Menus. .

4. From Security Code

Enter the current security code(s) to change side by side (0-9). Press image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL.

5. To Security Code

Enter the new one-digit security code to replace the current security code (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to default to 0.