Use the View Adjustments program to view all adjustment transactions for the selected transaction.
1. Transaction Number
The transaction number to view adjustments for.
2. Transaction Type
The transaction type for the transaction. Options are: D-Deposit, M-Miscellaneous Bank Transaction, T-Bank Transfer or N-Non-bank Transfer.
3. Transaction Date
The transaction date
4. Transaction Amount
The transaction amount.
In the line browser in the lower portion of the screen, FACTS displays the following information: for the adjustment transactions:
5. Transaction Date
The date on which the adjustment was entered.
6. Status
The status for the transaction record—O-Open, U-Updated, or C-Complete.
7. Transaction Amount
The amount the balance was adjusted (+/-9999999.99).
8. GL Number
The GL number that will be affected by the adjustment.
9. Memo
The memo explaining the adjustment (up to 25 characters).
Select Close to exit the program.