Use this program to display, by branch and department, the current Accounts Payable balance, Accounts Receivable balance, cash in bank, inventory valuation, open Purchase Order balance, and Open Sales Order balance. Also included is sales history for the next period and the last six periods (includes sales, cost and gross margin %).
In the Account F/M program in General Ledger, each GL account number is assigned a summary management type to be used in this inquiry. The types are:
Also in the Account F/M program, each GL account number is assigned an account type. Next period journal entries for GL account numbers assigned an account type of assets or liabilities are included in this inquiry.
The open purchase orders are calculated from the purchase order file. The open sales orders are calculated from the sales order file.
The figures displayed are calculated each time the program is used.
1. Branch
Enter the branch code. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to ALL. Press
or F2 to search.
Branch codes are created and maintained in Branch F/M (System Management-->File Maintenances-->Branch F/M).
2. Department
Enter the department code, if they are used. The entry must be a valid department. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to ALL. Press
or F2 to search.
Department codes can be created and maintained in Department F/M (General Ledger-->File Maintenances-->Infrequent File Maintenances-->Department F/M).
The program calculates and displays the current balances and sales history information. It includes next period transactions from General Ledger to include the most current information available.
3. View
Select Dashboard or Sales History to indicate the view you want to display in the browser.
4. Show Chart
Select Show Chart to indicate you want to view Sales History or Dashboard balance information graphically.
Dashboard Charts
Dashboard charts are renderings of the current Accounts Payable balance, Accounts Receivable balance, cash in bank, inventory valuation, open Purchase Order balance, and Open Sales Order balance information. Dashboard show individuals values verses columnar charts like Sales History.
The color and chart illustrations on the dashboard charts are pre-set by category to indicate whether favorable (indicated by green) information for a particular account is desirable to be a high number or low number. For example a favorable Accounts Payable balance would be a lower number. The danger level and caution level values are determined by the amounts you enter on the Executive Inquiry Setting (SME600) screen in the Danger Level and Caution Level fields. These field values allow you to precisely specify where the chart colors change from green (favorable) to yellow (caution) to red (danger) for each Dashboard chart you create.
Dashboards have special menu options and special features that are available to Executive Inquiry administrators as set on the Security tab of User Code F/M (SMF410).
You can right click on a dashboard panel to display the dashboard menu. The following options are available:
Hide—to hide the dashboard display from the browser display in the lower portion of the screen.
Update Now —to update the dashboard data immediately instead of the time increment scheduled.
Change Update Interval—to enter a different interval of time to use to update the dashboard data.
Executive Inquiry Panels are screens composed of Dashboard renderings for the specified departments, branches and chart code settings for the Executive Inquiry. Panels can be resized and placed anywhere on your computer screen. Based on your settings FACTS remembers the size location and information displayed in each Dashboard Panel. See the Executive Inquiry Panels topic for more details.
Executive Inquiry Menu Options
The following menu options are available in Executive Inquiry.
The File menu contains the following options:
Save Settings—Allows you to enter the branch, department and chart settings for the dashboard panel.
Exit—Returns you to System Management main menu.
The Chart menu contains the following options:
Settings—Accesses the Executive Inquiry Setting (SME600) screen, which is used to create branch, department and chart settings for caution and danger levels used in the Dashboard renderings. Using the Executive Inquiry Setting screen you can also restrict the chart code access in Executive Inquiry by setting security code and modify the update interval for the balance information displayed. This option is available to Executive Inquiry administrators as set on the Security tab of User Code F/M (SMF410).
The Panel menu contains the following options:
Launch—Allows the selected Panel of Dashboards to free float independently of the Executive Inquiry screen. You can launch an unlimited number of Dashboard panels and configure each Dashboard view independently.