Use this program to display program usage information by user code. Display is limited to user codes designated for tracking in the User Code F/M.
Inquiry information includes for each user: date, company, program designation, program name, time of entry into program, terminal ID, and error code.
Use the following fields to view user tracking information:
1. User
Enter the beginning user code (up to 3 characters). Press F2 or to search. Press
to default to ALL.
2. Company
Enter the company code for the user tracking inquiry. Press F2 or to search. Press
to default to ALL.
3. Program
Enter the program name for the inquiry--must be six characters and defined in the Program F/M. Press F2 or to search. Press
to default to ALL.
4. Terminal
Enter the terminal id for the inquiry.Press F2 or to search. Press
to default to ALL.
5. List From
Enter the beginning date to display for. Press to default to the first date on file. Press
to default to the last date on file for the parameters entered.
Note that you can as much or as little information in fields 1-4 for the inquiry. The more fields you use, the more specific the information returned in the browser. Inquiry information includes for each user: date, company, program designation, program name, time of entry into program, terminal ID, and error code.
You can select:
Refresh to redisplay information in the browser.
Purge to delete the records displayed in the browser.
Exit to close the program.