User Tracking Inquiry (SMI640)

Use this program to display program usage information by user code. Display is limited to user codes designated for tracking in the User Code F/M.

Inquiry information includes for each user: date, company, program designation, program name, time of entry into program, terminal ID, and error code.

Use the following fields to view user tracking information:

1. User

Enter the beginning user code (up to 3 characters). Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search. Press image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL.

2. Company

Enter the company code for the user tracking inquiry. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search. Press image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL.

3. Program

Enter the program name for the inquiry--must be six characters and defined in the Program F/M. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search. Press image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL.

4. Terminal

Enter the terminal id for the inquiry.Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search. Press image\all_shg.gif to default to ALL.

5. List From

Enter the beginning date to display for. Press image\ex_allft_shg.gif to default to the first date on file. Press image\ex_allrt_shg.gif to default to the last date on file for the parameters entered.


Note that you can as much or as little information in fields 1-4 for the inquiry. The more fields you use, the more specific the information returned in the browser. Inquiry information includes for each user: date, company, program designation, program name, time of entry into program, terminal ID, and error code.


You can select:

Refresh to redisplay information in the browser.

Purge to delete the records displayed in the browser.

Exit to close the program.