Use the Report Group F/M program to establish and maintain the report groups that determine what groups of GL account numbers appear on the GL financial reports.
A report group is a user-defined, four-character code that references multiple companies, branches and departments. You have the option to:
Report groups come into play when you print financial reports. An example account number might be 410-00-00 where the 410 is the base account number, -00- is the branch and -00 is the department. If the company has 2 branches (01 and 02) and 2 departments (01 and 02) then the following account numbers could exist:
When you set up a financial report, 410-00-00 is entered (not indicating any specific department or branch). The report groups are where you specify which companies, departments and branches to print on the financial reports. When printing the financials, the system looks at the report group to determine which account numbers (including branch and department) to print.
Using the example above, if the report group specifies branch 01, departments 01 and 02, the financial report would print the following account numbers:
Branch 02’s account numbers are not printed because branch 02 was not specified in the report group.
When setting up report group, you can specify for account type lines (as set in the Report Setup F/M) whether to consolidate for selected companies, branches and/or departments.
Using the previous example of the 410-00-00 account number using branches 01 and 02 and departments 1 and 2 the following account numbers exist:
410-01-01 (Branch 01, Department 01)
410-01-02 (Branch 01, Department 02)
410-02-01 (Branch 02, Department 01)
410-02-02 (Branch 02, Department 02)
If printing all branches and all departments and if the departments are to consolidate, the financial report would print the following:
The department figures are consolidated into one figure.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->Financial Reports Setup-->Report Group F/M.
To enter new report group information, click
*. Report Group Code
Enter the report group code (up to 4 characters). Press F2 or
to search.
2. Group Description 1
Enter the description to be printed (line 3 in the header portion of the financial report) for this group code (up to 30 characters).
3. Group Description 2
Enter the description to be printed (line 4 in the header portion of the financial report) for this group code (up to 30 characters).
4. Lines To Skip
Enter the number of lines to skip on the report after printing the description (0 to 9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
5. Consolidate
Enter whether to consolidate for account type lines the selected C - companies, B - branches and/or D - departments. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to NONE or you can click
to select no consolidations.
6. Company
Enter the company or companies your want to consolidate. You can enter specific companies or a range of companies.
Ü To indicate a continuous range, enter the first company and last company separated by a hyphen.
For example, 1-5 consolidates companies 01 through 05.
Ü To indicate specific companies, enter each company number and separate them by commas.
For example, 1,3,5,7 consolidates only 01, 03, 05, and 07.
Ü You can also use a combination of specific commas and hyphens.
For example, 1,3,5,7,9-13 consolidates companies 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09 through 13.
Ü Shortcuts. To consolidate all companies in the system, click
or press F1. To search for existing companies, click
or press F2.
To clear entries from the field, click
or press F3.
7. Branch
Enter the branch or branches your want to consolidate. You can enter specific branches or a range of branches.
Ü To indicate a continuous range, enter the first branch and last branch separated by a hyphen.
For example, 1-5 consolidates branches 01 through 05.
Ü To indicate specific branches, enter each branch number and separate them by commas.
For example, 1,3,5,7 consolidates only 01, 03, 05, and 07..
You can also use a combination of specific commas and hyphens.
For example, 1,3,5,7,9-13 consolidates branches 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09 through 13.
Ü Shortcuts. To consolidate all branches in the system, click
or press F1. To search for existing branches, click
or press F2. To clear entries from the field, click
or press F3.
8. Department
Enter the department or departments your want to consolidate. You can enter specific departments or a range of departments.
Ü To indicate a continuous range, enter the first department and last department separated by a hyphen.
For example, 1-5 consolidates departments 01 through 05.
Ü To indicate specific departments, enter each department number and separate them by commas.
For example, 1,3,5,7 consolidates only 01, 03, 05, and 07.
You can also use a combination of specific commas and hyphens.
For example, 1,3,5,7,9-13 consolidates departments 01, 03, 05, 07, and 09 through 13.
Ü Shortcuts. To consolidate all departments in the system, click
or press F1. To search for existing departments, click bmct find.shg} or press F2. To clear entries from the field, click
or press F3.
You can select
Save to save your changes.
Delete to discard your changes and cancel the entry.
When you are finished working with report group information, press the
Exit button.