Report Setup F/M (GLF330)

Use the Report Setup F/M program to create custom GL financial reports — such as profit and loss statements or balance sheets — according to you company’s own specifications.

To create custom GL financial reports, you must create a record in the custom report file for every line to be printed on the GL report. Each report contains parameters that tell the report how to print. There are two steps to creating a custom report. The first step is creating the header record; the second step is creating each line.

To create a custom report, first enter general information about the report. For example, should the header be reprinted on every page? If the figure is a negative, should the minus sign appear before or after the figure or should the figure appear in parentheses?

Then enter each line, one by one, determining what each line type is and what should appear on each line. As each line type is determined, the corresponding set of fields appears on the screen.

Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->Financial Reports Setup-->Report Setup F/M.

Use the following fields to create a custom financial report:

1Report Name

Enter a report name (up to 4 characters). The name you select is entirely up to you. For example, a profit and loss report could be P&L1 and a balance sheet could be BAL1. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

2. Report Type

From the drop-down list, select whether the report type is B-balance sheet, P-profit and loss, or O-other custom report such as a chart of accounts. Press Enter (CR) to default to B. This indicates the specific type of description that you are setting up (B prints Statement of Financial Position in description 1, P prints Statement of Revenues and Expenditures in description 1).

3. Desc (report description 2)

Enter a report description (up to 50 characters). This description is printed as the second description in the header portion of the report following the standard name (see field #2).

4. # Lines To Skip

From the drop-down list, select the number of lines to skip after the description (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

5. Repeat Header

Indicate whether the header portion of the report is to be printed on subsequent pages of the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

6. Negatives

From the drop-down list, select whether the minus sign should print: B-before figures, A-after figures, or P-negative numbers print inside parentheses. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to P.

7. Use Commas

Indicate whether commas are to be inserted into report figures. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.

8. Default Line for % of Base

Enter the line number of the report that is the default % of base for the detail records or report lines. The figures of this line are considered the default base line figures. Press Enter (CR) or image\none_shg.gif to initially default to 0000, telling the system that there is no default % of base line for this report. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

9. Whole Numbers

Indicate whether only whole numbers are to be printed. This does not affect calculations. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

After you complete the general report setup information, you can create reports lines in the browser in the lower portion of the screen. You can select:

image\plus.gif to add a report line or the image\insert.gif icon to add a line above the highlighted line in the browser. Select the image\stop.gif icon to end entries.

image\edit.gif to make changes for the highlighted report line.

image\Delete.gif to delete a report line, highlight the line in the browser.

image\stop.gif to end report line entry.

Use the following fields to create a line:

10. Line Number

Enter the line number (sequence of print on report). Press F2 to increment the last line number used by 10. (Incrementing by one would not allow insertions of additional line numbers at a later date.)

11. Line Type

From the drop-down list, select the line type. Press Enter (CR) to default to C. You can select from the following line types:

C Caption. A caption line prints the description entered below. This does not affect any figures. Refer to the Caption Line Screen for more information.

A Account. An account line prints a range of accounts. For each account, the description and the appropriate figures from that account record are printed. It adds to the total group entered. Refer to the Account Line Screen for more information.

T Total. A total line prints a total group, description, and performs calculations based on the parameters entered. Refer to the Total Line Screen for more information.

F File. A file line retrieves and optionally prints figures from a total line (in the same report or another report), which have been retained in the GL figures file for this purpose. The system also prints any description entered in the file. Refer to the File Line Screen for more information.

H Header. A header line prints the figures for a group of accounts, a description, and adds to the total group entered. The accounts to be included are entered when the header line is being created. The system displays Header Line Entry (GLE335) for entering header line information.

M Memo. A memo line prints a memo of up to 70 characters in length. Memos are always left justified and never affect any figures. Refer to the Memo Line Screen for more information.

O Operation. An operation line prints the results of mathematical operations performed on two lines or a single line and a constant. Refer to the Operation Line Screen for more information.


When you select to add, insert or edit a report line, the system displays the appropriate report line screen

Caption Line Screen

1. Caption 1

Enter the first caption (up to 30 characters).

2Caption 2

Enter the second caption (up to 30 characters). Press Enter (CR) to skip this entry and not print a blank caption 2 on the report.

3. lines to skip

Enter the number of lines to skip after printing the caption (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. Center Caption

Indicate whether to center the caption on the page. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

Account Line Screen

You can determine an account range as a subset of the accounts delimited by the report group codes. You are able to specify a subset of those accounts, by entering a beginning branch and department in the from account, and an ending branch and department in the to account. The financial report will only pick up the accounts between the range of from and to accounts out of those selected by the group codes.

When you enter an account, you have to enter the base account and the beginning branch and department to run the report for. For example:

From: 4100-02-2300 (acct 4100, branch 02 and department 300)

To: 5000-02-600 (acct 5000, branch 02 and department 600)

If this entry is run for Group Code ALL, the system will pick up all combinations of accounts 4100-5000 for ONLY branch 02 and departments 300-600. If the group code does not include branch 02, then nothing will print. If the group code only includes departments 300-500, then the system will select only those departments. The relationship here is that the group codes create a subset from all accounts in all companies, and now you can run the reports for a subset of those accounts.

1From Account Number

Enter the first GL account number to print. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

2. To Account Number

Enter the last GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) to default to the entry in the From Account Number (field #1). If the you enter the same account number in the From and To Account Number (fields #1-2), that account number is printed on the report. If you enter a range of account numbers, the system prints each account number within the range individually on the report (depending on whether accounts are consolidated as determined by the report group). You can enter a range to reduce the number of lines in setting up the report. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

3. Lines To Skip

Enter the number of lines to skip after printing the account number(s) (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. % of base line #

Enter the line number on the report that is used as the base line for percentage calculations. The figures on this line are considered the base line figures and any percentage calculations are a percentage of these figures. If you enter 0000, the system does not print the percentage of base in the column for this line on the report. Press Enter (CR) or image\none_shg.gif to initially default to 0000, telling the system that there is no default % of base line for this report. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

5. Reverse Sign

Indicate whether the sign of the figure is to be reversed (i.e., negative is made positive, positive is made negative). An example of sign reversal is typically printing sales on a P&L report. Sale figures are usually a credit (-) value. However, users usually want sales to appear as a positive figure on the P&L, so the figure should be reversed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.

6. Add to Total Group

From the drop-down list, select the total group to add the figure to (0-8). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0, and the system does not add the figure to any total group. A total group is an accumulation of figures from selected lines. For example, if you enter total group 1, the amount for this line is added to the amount (if any) already accumulated in that total group and is reflected when total group 1 is printed (total lines print total groups).

7. Print on Report

Indicate whether to print the accounts on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

Total Line Screen

1. Description 1

Enter the first description (up to 30 characters).

2. Description 2

Enter the second description (up to 30 characters).

3. Lines to Skip

From the drop-down list, select the number of lines to skip after printing the caption (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. % Of Base Line #

Enter the line number on the report that is used as the base line for percentage calculations. The figures on this line are considered the base line figures and any percentage calculations are a percentage of these figures. If you enter 0000, the system does not print the percentage of base in the column for this line on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default % of base line in the header portion. Press image\none_shg.gif to initially default to 0000, telling the system that there is no default % of base line for this report. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

5. Total to Print

From the drop-down list, select the total group to print (1-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 1.

6. Roll Total

From the drop-down list, select whether to roll the total to the next higher total group by +-positive, --negative, *-multiplied, /-divided or N-not rolled. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to +. For example, if you enter a – (negative), the total group printed is subtracted from the next higher total group.

7. Clear Total

Indicate whether the total is to be cleared (i.e., set to 0) after it is printed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected. An example is printing a subtotal, rolling it to the next higher group and then clearing it so that it may be used for another subtotal.

8. Write to File

Indicate whether to write the figures in the selected line to the figures file. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N. An example is writing the net profit or loss to the figures file to be retrieved later to print on the balance sheet.

9. Print on Report

Indicate whether to print the total on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

File Line Screen

1. Description 1

Enter the first description (up to 30 characters).

2. Description 2

Enter the second description (up to 30 characters).

3. Lines To Skip

From the drop-down list, select the number of lines to skip after printing the caption (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. % of Base Line #

Enter the line number on the report that is used as the base line for percentage calculations. The figures on this line are considered the base line figures and any percentage calculations are a percentage of these figures. If you enter 0000, the system does not print the percentage of base in the column for this line on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default % of base line in the header portion. Press Enter (CR) or image\none_shg.gif to initially default to 0000, telling the system that there is no default % of base line for this report. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

5. Reverse Sign

Indicate whether the sign of the figure is to be reversed (i.e., negative is made positive, positive is made negative). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected. An example of sign reversal is typically printing sales on a P&L report. Sale figures are usually a credit (-) value. However, users usually want sales to appear as a positive figure on the P&L, so the figure should be reversed.

6. Add to Total Group

From the drop-down list, select the total group to add the figure to (0-8). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0, and the figure is not added to any total group. A total group is an accumulation of figures from selected lines. For example, if you enter total group 1, the system adds the amount for this line to the amount (if any) already accumulated in that total group and is reflected when total group 1 is printed (total lines print total groups).

8. Group Code

Enter the report group under which the figures are to be retrieved. Press Enter (CR) or image\same_shg.gif to initially default to SAME indicating that the same report group that stored the figure will use it. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

9. Report Name

Enter the report name from which the figures are to be retrieved. The entry must be a valid report name. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

10. Report Format

Enter the standard report name from which the figures are to be retrieved. If you enter SM then the figures will come from the same report.

11. Line Number

Enter the line number of the report that wrote the figure to the file.

12. Columns

Enter the column number(s) of the figures that you want to retrieve. For example if the report that wrote the figures to the file has eight columns and only one figure is needed on this report, enter the column number of the desired figure.

13. Print on Report

Indicate whether to print the line on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

Memo Line Screen

1. Memo

Enter a memo of up to 70 characters to print.

2. Lines To Skip

Enter the number of lines to skip after printing the memo (0-9). Press Enter (CR) or image\none_shg.gif to initially default to 0.

Press OK to accept the Memo line or Cancel to discard your changes.

Operation Line Screen

1. Description 1

Enter the first description (up to 30 characters).

2. Description 2

Enter the second description (up to 30 characters).

3. Lines to skip

From the drop-down list, select the number of lines to skip after printing the second description (0-9). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

4. % Of Base Line Number

Enter the line number on the report that is used as the base line for percentage calculations. The figures on this line are considered the base line figures and any percentage calculations are a percentage of these figures. If you enter 0000 or click image\none_shg.gif, the system does not print the percentage of base in the column for this line on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default % of base line in the header portion. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

5Reverse Sign

Indicate whether the sign of the figure is to be reversed (i.e., negative is made positive, positive is made negative). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected. An example of sign reversal is typically printing sales on a P&L report. Sale figures are usually a credit (-) value. However, users usually want sales to appear as a positive figure on the P&L, so the figure should be reversed.

For the Calculation fields, complete the following

6. Constant/Line 1

Enter a constant value or line number to perform an operation on. If a line number is entered it must be a line that appears ahead of this operation line on the report (must have lower line number). To enter a constant value, enter a number between -9.9 and 99.9 with the decimal. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

7. Operation

From the drop-down list, select a mathematical operation (/ - division, * - multiplication, + - addition, or - - subtraction) to be performed on the constant value or line number of the Constant/Line 1 (field #6 ) by the constant value or line number in Constant/Line 2 (field #8). (Note: You cannot divide by zero.) Press Enter (CR) to initially default to /-division.

8. Constant/Line 2

Enter a constant value or line number to perform an operation on. If a line number is entered it must be a line that appears ahead of this operation line on the report (must have lower line number). To enter a constant value, enter a number between -9.9 and 99.9 with the decimal. Press F2 or image\find_shg.gif to search.

9. Print on Report

Indicate whether to print the figures on the report. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected.

As the constants/lines are entered they are displayed in the order of the operation to be performed on/by. For example, if the reports call for the gross margin (on line 0200) to be divided by sales (on line 0250), then enter line 200 for Constant/Line 1 (field #6), / for Operation (field #7), and line 250 for Constant/Line 2 (field #8). The screen then displays line # 0200 divided by line # 0250.