Use the Trial Balance/Detail Ledger to print a trial balance or detail ledger for the current or a prior fiscal period.
The layout of the trial balance (in terms of totals) is set up in the Trial Balance Total Breaks F/M.
You have the option to:
Report information includes the following:
Trial Balance: the GL account number and description, beginning balance, activity and the resulting ending balance.
Detail Ledger: the Trial Balance information, but breaks down the activity by journal entry. Additional information printed on the detail ledger includes date of entry, journal number, entry number, memo and transaction amount. The total number of account numbers listed is also included.
NOTE: This report is always out of balance by the amount of retained earnings for the 1st period of the year.
FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options
This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatterand Multiple Output option. The Multiple Output option allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). For the Trial Balance/Detail Ledger, you can select Template-->Select from the menu bar to associate a system template with Excel® export capabilities. To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout--> Customize Report from the menu bar.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->Reports & Prints-->Trial Balance/Detail Ledger.
1. Beginning G/L #
Select the beginning GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to FIRST.
2. Ending G/L #
Select the ending GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to LAST.
3. Branch
Enter the branch to print. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to all branches.
4. Department
Enter the department to print. The entry must be a valid department. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to all departments.
5. Period
Enter the period to print (PP). Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the current period. Press F2 or
to select the last period closed. Periods prior to the last closed period can be entered. For example, if you entered prior period journal entries and were printing them before running the Prior Period Update program.
6. Scope
Enter whether to print the T-trial balance (summary) or D-detail ledger (detail). Press Enter (CR) to default to T.
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Using reports, registers, and prints as audit trails