Use the Duplicate Account Setup program to create GL account numbers for a new branch and/or department.
Account numbers may be created in G/L#, alpha, or account type order. You can also determine the branch and/or department to create from and the new branch and/or department to create.
The program creates new account numbers in the account file based on the parameters selected by the user. The description, alpha sort, type, and summary management type are created for the new accounts using the information in the from account number. No account balances are created; i.e., they are initially set to zero.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->File Maintenances-->Duplicate Account Setup.
1. Order
Select whether to create in G-General Ledger account number, A-alpha, T-account type (asset, liability, expense, revenue, capital), or S-Summary Management Type ($-Cash, C-Cost of Sales, I-Inventory, P-PayablesR-Receivables, S-Sales) order. For example, if creating in type order, enter T. Press Enter to default to G.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Enter the beginning order choice to create.
If GL account number (G) was chosen above, enter the beginning GL account number to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search.
If Alpha (A) was chosen above, enter the beginning Alpha number to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to FIRST.
If Summary Management Type (S) was chosen above, enter the beginning summary management to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to FIRST. Press F3 or
to select an option.
If Account Type (T) was chosen above, enter the beginning summary management to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to FIRST. Press F3 or
to select an option.
3. Ending Order Choice
Enter the ending order choice to create, e.g., if GL account number (G) was chosen above, enter selects the ending GL account number to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search.
If Alpha (A) was chosen above, enter the beginning Alpha number to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to LAST.
If Summary Management Type (S) was chosen above, enter the ending summary management to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to LAST. Press F3 or
to select an option.
If Account Type (T) was chosen above, enter the ending summary management to create. Press Enter (CR) or to default to LAST. Press F3 or
to select an option.
4. From Branch
Enter the branch from which to create. The entry must be numeric. Press Enter (CR) or to default to ALL. Press F2 or
to search.
5. To Branch
If ALL was entered in field #4, this field is skipped. Enter the branch to which to create. The entry must be numeric. Press F2 or to search.
6. From Department
Enter the department from which to create. The entry must be numeric. Press Enter (CR) or to default to ALL.
7. To Department
If ALL was entered in field #6, this field is skipped. Enter the branch for the department to create. The entry must be numeric. Press F2 or to search.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.