GL Static Control F/M (GLF975)

The GL Static Control F/M program contains controls, flags and settings that affect GL functions throughout the system. FACTS frequently references this program during processing.

CAUTION! It is highly recommend that the administrators’ password protect this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.

Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->File Maintenances--> Infrequent File Maintenances-->Static Control F/M.

The following controls, flags and settings are located in the GL Static Control F/M:

1. Retained Earnings G/L #

Enter the GL account number for retained earnings. The entry must be a valid GL account number. If you are setting up the record for the first time, press F3 to skip fields #1 and #2. If you need to search existing GL numbers, select or press F2.

2. Out-Of-Balance G/L #

Enter the GL account number for an out-of-balance account. Select or press F2 to search existing GL account numbers.

3. Journal for Retained Earnings

Enter a journal number to be used to post retained earnings at the end of the fiscal year. (The system posts the entry automatically.) The entry must be a valid journal number. Select or press F2 to search existing journals.

4. Allow Journal Correction

Indicate whether you want to allow corrections or deletions in the Journal Entry program. (Some users answer no to preserve audit trails making an offsetting/correction journal entry necessary.) This setting initially defaults to selected (Yes).

5. Change/Delete Ending Balances

Indicate whether you want users to have the option of changing and deleting account balances in the Account F/M program. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to selected(Yes).

6. Yearly Journal Entry Periods

Enter the number of prior periods to store for yearly journal entries (0-26). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.

You can press: 

image\Delete_shg.gif Delete to remove to information in the record,


image\save_shg.gif Save to save your changes,

image\exit_shg.gif Exit to return to the GL Maintenance menu.


See Also

For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.

How to use file maintenance programs