Use this program to change the following information in the Item and Warehouse/item Files for a range of items:
All of this information is stored on each item in the item file. You may find this program useful when you need to make global changes to a number of item records without having to manually change each individual record in Item F/M or Warehouse/Item F/M.
For example, sales tax or zip code changes may affect a number of item records. You can use this program to make the change once.
When running this program, you have the option to:
Changes made in this program do not affect transaction files or other modules.
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->File Maintenances -->Transfer/Change Item Codes.
1. Select Number
Enter the number of the field to change (1-16).
2. Order
Enter the order the field is to update. The available options are item, alpha, item class and vendor.
3. Beginning Order Choice
Set the beginning of the range. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the FIRST. Press F2 or
to search.
4. Ending Order Choice.
Set the end of the range. Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the LAST. Press F2 or
to search.
5. Change From
The field in Select Number is the field being changed, e.g., if item class was selected, enter the item class that is being changed. Press F3 or
to default to ALL.
6. Change To
The field in Select Number is the field being changed, i.e., if item class was selected, enter the item class which to change. Press F3 to default to user selection. If F3 is selected, the program stops at every item whose item class is to be changed and requires field of the new item class.
7. Item Type
This field will display for all options other than Item Type. Valid entries for this prompt are Stocked, Nonstocked or Uninventoried. The next prompt is skipped, if the Select Number (1-8 or 17-19) entered references data stored in the item master record. Press Enter (CR) to default to SNU. Only items with no quantities may be changed.
8. Warehouse
This field enables you to tell the system which items in which warehouse you want to change. This may be helpful if changes that you are making only affect items warehoused in a certain location, such as a local sales tax change. This field displays only if the Select Number (9-16 or 20) entered references data stored in the warehouse record for the item. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to this terminal.