Use this program to create and maintain records in the warehouse/item file. Each record contains general, restocking, usage, sales, cost, activity and receipt information relevant to a particular item in a given warehouse.
The program may be used as needed to create records as new products are stocked by a warehouse, edit a record, to confirm new information, or delete an existing record if the item is no longer carried in the warehouse. You can also use this program to look up warehouse/item file information.
For more information how to use maintenances, refer to the following topics:
How to use file maintenance programs
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->File Maintenances -->Warehouse/Item F/M.
1. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse. Items flagged as ‘N’ to "Update Inventory" in the item master file may not be added to this file maintenance. If the item selected does not update inventory, the user will receive the following message: "Cannot setup uninventoried items in the warehouse." If the item entered is a nonstock item, "NONSTOCKED" or "UNIVENTORIED" will display on screen.
3. Locations
If locations are not used, press Tab to skip this field. If locations are used, enter the primary and alternate locations below.
Enter the primary location of the item in the warehouse (up to 6 characters) (e.g., where the item is stored within the warehouse). All locations entered should be the same length. If the user is assigning locations to items for A, 1 - 25, the locations should be set up as follows: A01 (versus A1), A02 (versus A2) ... A10, A11 ... A25.
Alt 1-5
Enter up to five additional locations where product may be found. The system checks to ensure that the new entry does not already exist in any of the other alternate location fields or the primary location field. If it does, the system displays the message "Location is already designated for this Whse/Item record" and returns you to the field for re-field.
4. Movement Class
Enter the movement class code (1-14). Entering 13 indicates the item is dead stock; 14 indicates the movement class has not been set. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 14.
5. Commit by Other Whses?
Indicate whether or not to allow another warehouse other than this one to commit this item or A to allow another warehouse to commit this item with approval.
6. Seasonal
Enter whether the seasonal type is N-nonseasonal, L-low seasonal (80% of annual sales in a six-month period) or H-high seasonal (80% of annual sales in a three-month period). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
7. Use ledgercards
Indicate whether to use ledgercards. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N. If ledgercards are not used, as set in the IC static control record, this field is skipped.
8. Replenish
Indicate whether the item is replenished in this warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to Y. If the item is stocked at the item master level, the Replenishment field is available. If the item is non-stocked at the item master level, the system disables this field.
9. Allow Purchase Without SO
Indicate whether a purchase of non-stock items can be made without a Sales Order Tie. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N. Note that this field is only enabled when the item is a non-stock item.
10. Allow Web Purchase
Indicate whether or not an item is for sale from this warehouse from the web. The system sends these warehouse items to eCatalog but they will not be presented as a warehouse for purchase from a customer in Storefront.
If the Allow Web Purchase at the item level is "selected" then this field is set to "unselected" and disabled. Also, if this warehouse is not valid for SO in Warehouse F/M then the Allow Web Purchase checkbox is set to "unselected" and disabled. If the item is set to allow web purchase and the warehouse is valid for SO, then when adding a new record, the system sets the field to the value from the Allow Web Purchase setting at the item level. Once the initial value is set, the system will no longer change this field. The user is free to set it as desired.
When a new warehouse item is added or the Allow Web Purchase field is changed the system adds a record to the eCatalog log file for the next update to the eCatalog database. This program also writes a record to the eCatalog log file whenever a warehouse item record is deleted.
11. Date Last Physical
Enter the date of the last physical inventory. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 01/01/00.
12. Date Next Physical
Enter the date of the next physical inventory. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 01/01/00.
*13.-16. Quantities
Entry is not required in these fields. After live processing begins, the system tracks on-hand, on order, backordered and committed quantities. An item may not be deleted from a warehouse if a number other than zero exists in any of these fields.
To access the restocking screen enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Select the Restocking tab.
*. Warehouse
If you have not done so already, enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
If you have not done so already, enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
3. Order Qty Method
Enter whether the order quantity method of the item in the warehouse is E-EOQ (economic order quantity), C-movement class or M-manual. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default order quantity method (set in the IC static control record).
4. Order Quantity
Enter the order quantity of the item in the warehouse. This number is updated automatically by the End-of-Period Update program if E or C was entered in field the Order Quantity Method field. If M was entered in the Order Quantity Method field, the number must be set by the user. Order quantities may be frozen (Frozen Controls field), e.g., not automatically reset by the system, at any time.
5. Restocking Method
Enter whether the restocking method is O-order point/line point or M-min/max. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default restocking method (set in the IC Static Control F/M).
6. Order Point
If M was entered in the Restocking Method field this field is skipped. Enter the order point of the item in the warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
7. Line Point
If M was entered in the Restocking Method field, this field is skipped. Enter the line point of the item in the warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
8. Minimum Stocking
If O was entered in the Restocking Method field, this field is skipped. Enter the minimum stocking level of the item in the warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
9. Maximum Stocking
If O was entered in the Restocking Method field, this field is skipped. Enter the maximum stocking level of the item in the warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
10. Avg (Average) Lead Time
Enter the average lead time in days of this item in this warehouse (0-999). The lead time is the number of days from the purchase order entry date to the purchase order receipt date.
11. Number Pds To Ignore Low Sales
Enter the number of periods to ignore low sales. If a value is entered, the IC End-of-Period Update will not flag the item for low sales for the number of periods entered. If 99 is entered, this item will never be flagged for low sales.
12. Restocking Whse (Warehouse)
Enter the warehouse that restocks this item in this warehouse. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Entering two blanks (press space bar two times) or selecting
indicates the item is supplied directly from the vendor.
13. Safety Allowance
Enter the safety allowance %(0-99). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default safety allowance (set in the IC Static Control Record).
14. Last Changed
Enter the date when the safety allowance was last changed. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 01/01/00.
15. Frozen Controls
Enter whether to freeze controls of the R-restocking amounts, Q-order quantity, L-lead time and/or S-safety allowance. Press F1 or
to default to NONE.
16. Number Periods
If no controls are frozen in the Frozen Controls field, this field is skipped. Enter the number of periods to freeze the controls (as set in the Frozen Controls field). If 99 is entered, the controls are frozen permanently.
17. Date
If no controls are frozen in the Frozen Controls field, this field is skipped. Enter the date the freeze was placed on the controls (ref. 3) (as set in the Frozen Controls field).
18. Memo
If no controls are frozen in the Frozen Controls field, this field is skipped. Enter the memo indicating why the freeze was entered (up to 30 characters).
To access the usage screen enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Select the Usage tabs 1 and 2.
Zero Usage Values: In FACTS, entering a usage of zero (0) means a usage of zero and indicates a history. A blank usage value indicates no usage. For usage, you can enter a 0 or nothing (a blank space). Once you enter a 0 in a usage field, you cannot change it to a blank.
*. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
3. Usage---Actual
This is the actual usage for current period (Usage 1 only). Enter the actual usage amount for the current period on Usage 1 — that is, the number of units used (sold, adjusted or transferred out) of the item in the warehouse. Press F1 or choose Actual only to toggle the Qualified fields on or off.
4. Stock Out Days
Enter the number of days during the period the item was out of stock (e.g., available quantity in the warehouse was zero).
For the last period through to the oldest period enter the following fields for each period:
5. Qualified
Enter the qualified usage for the period (actual minus disqualified usage). Usage is disqualified when: (1) a stockout exists for more than two weeks of a month, (2) when sales is less than 1/2 unit per month or (3) is large sales (period usage is greater than previous 5 period’s usage).
6. Actual
Enter the actual usage for the period, e.g., the number of units used (sold, adjusted or transferred out) of the item in the warehouse. The
button or F1 toggles the Qualified fields on and off. This may be help you speed up data entry. Press F2 or
to set the remaining Actual Usage fields to an average of what you have already entered.
Say, for example, you entered 10 for actual usage for the current period, 60 for actual usage for the last prior period and 30 for the next prior period. Press F2 in the next usage field to set the remaining actual usage fields on all usage screens to 33.
7. Stock Out Days
Enter the number of days during the period the item was out of stock (e.g., available quantity in the warehouse was zero).
8. SS Dip %
Enter the percentage dip in the safety stock for the period.
9. EOP (End of Period)
Enter the end-of-period on hand quantity for the period (e.g., on hand quantity when the inventory period was closed).
To access the sales screen, enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Press S to display the sales history in character mode. In graphical, select the Sales tab.
The following fields are optional and should be used once — during initial installation to get data in the system. After live processing begins, the system updates these fields. Any changes will compromise data.
*. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
For the current period through to the oldest period, enter the following fields for each period:
3. Month-To-Date
Enter the month-to-date unit sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the month-to-date dollar sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the month-to-date dollar cost. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
4. Year-To-Date
Enter the year-to-date unit sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the year-to-date dollar sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the year-to-date dollar cost. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
5. Prior Year
Enter the prior year unit sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the prior year dollar sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
Enter the prior year dollar cost. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
To access the costing screen enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Press C to display the costing information in character mode. Select the Cost tab in graphical.
The following fields are optional and should be used once — during initial installation to get data in the system. After live processing begins, the system updates these fields. Any changes will compromise data.
*. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and costing unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
3. Standard Cost
Enter the standard cost of the item in the warehouse per the costing unit of measure. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
4. Average Cost
Enter the average cost of the item in the warehouse per the costing unit of measure. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
5. Last Cost
Enter the last cost of the item in the warehouse per the costing unit of measure. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
6. End-Of-Period Cost
For the last prior period to the oldest period, enter the end-of-period cost of the item in the warehouse per costing unit of measure. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
To access the activity screen enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Press A to display the activity information in character mode. Select the Activity tab in graphical mode.
The following fields are optional and should be used once — during initial installation to get data in the system. After live processing begins, the system updates these fields. Any changes will compromise data.
*. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item, description and stocking unit of measure. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
3. Beginning Qty (Quantity)
Enter the beginning on hand quantity of the item in the warehouse for the current period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
4. Receipts
Enter the number of units received of the item in the warehouse for the current period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
5. Produced
Enter the number of units produced of the item in the warehouse for the current period through the manufacturing system. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
6. Adjustments
Enter the number of units adjusted of the item in the warehouse for the current period through the Adjustment Entry program. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
7. Sales
Enter the number of units sold of the item in the warehouse for the current period through the sales orders system. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
8. Transfers In
Enter the number of units transferred of the item into this warehouse for the current period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
9. Transfers Out
Enter the number of units transferred of the item out of this warehouse for the current period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
10. Next Pd (Period) Adjust (Adjustments)
Enter the number of units adjusted of the item in the warehouse for the next period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
11. Lowest On Hand
Enter the lowest on hand quantity of the item in the warehouse for the current period. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
To access the receipts screen enter a valid warehouse and a valid item (the item must exist in the warehouse). Press RE to display the receipts information in character.
The following fields are optional and should be used once — during initial installation to get data in the system. After live processing begins, the system updates these fields. Any changes will compromise data.
*. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse where the item exists. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse of the warehouse/item just entered. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press F2 or
to search.
*. Item
Enter the item existing in the warehouse. The entry must be a valid item number that displays the item and description. Press F2 or
to search. Press F3 to display the first item in the warehouse.
For each of the last five item receipts enter the following fields:
3. Doc Number
Enter the PO number, transfer ticket number or adjustment number of the receipt (up to 6 characters).
4. Date
Enter the date the goods were received (receipt date).
5. Units
Enter the number of units received. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
6. Cost
Enter the cost at which the goods were received per the costing unit of measure. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
7. Lead Time
Enter the lead time in number of days for the receipt (0-999). Lead time is the number of days from the purchase order entry date to the purchase order receipt date. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0.
8. Lead Time Type
Enter whether the lead time entered in the Lead Time field is blank-a normal lead time, A-abnormal lead time or I-ignored lead time. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to blank (in other words, the field is left blank) indicating the lead time for the receipt is normal.
Select a record and choose Delete. The program prompts you with the following:
SA history exists for this warehouse/item. Enter new item to store sales history under.
Enter the alternate SA item number to which you want to transfer sales history information. The entry must be a valid item number.