Use this program to capture and store the on hand or available (available = on hand minus committed) quantities and costs of the items selected for physical inventory. The Physical Count Quantity prompt in the IC Static Control F/M determines whether the program captures on hand quantities or available. The data is written to the physical count file, ICPHYS.
Run this program after the last activity that would affect the warehouse/item file prior to the physical count and before any activity that would affect the warehouse/item file after the physical count. For example, if you are conducting a physical inventory over a weekend, you could run this program anytime between close of business Friday and opening of business Monday.
You can opt to run this program directly from the Print Count Sheets program or on the date selected after the count sheets are printed. After the on hand or available quantities are captured, the physical inventory is taken and the counts have been entered, normal activity can resume even if the counts have not been updated by the system.
The order in which this program captures items depends on how the Physical Inventory Order prompt is set in the IC Static Control F/M. The available options are item, alpha, vendor, item class, bin (primary and alternate) location or movement class order.
If a record for the selected item and warehouse is already on file, you have the option of:
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Physical Inventory -->Capture Quantities.
IC Static Control Physical Count Order Other Than Location:
When you capture quantities and the Physical Inventory Order setting on the IC Static Control F/M is not location, the Capture Quantities program captures the primary location only for serial or lot items and the primary location and all alternate locations set up for non-serial or lot items.
The system captures quantities for Serial or lot items that are not flagged available for the primary location only. The primary location record contains the captured quantity for the item. For alternate bin location records the system captures a blank quantity.
IC Static Control Physical Count Order Is Location:
When you select Location as the Physical Inventory Order and the Items Included is set to Primary, items are included in physical inventory processing based on the location range you enter in the Capture Quantities program. This setting determines whether the location range searches for items in primary locations only (including alternate bin locations set up in the warehouse/item record) or all locations present for a warehouse/item record.
When an item is contained in any bin location in the range of the locations selected, the system includes all locations for the item (whether it is in the range or not) to ensure that the capture quantities are accurate.
When you capture quantities and the Physical Inventory Order setting on the IC Static Control F/M is location, the Capture Quantities program captures for the primary and all alternate locations for non-serial or lot items and for serial or lot items that are flagged as available.
The system prints a line on the count sheet for the selected item’s primary and alternate locations, each in the proper location sort order. Only the primary location prints the on hand or committed quantity if selected. If the item is a serial or lot item, all serial/lot numbers will print under the primary location and only "available" serial/lot numbers will print under the alternate locations.
The cutoff date function is removed from this program for Radio Beacon controlled warehouses.
1. Order
The order choice automatically appears on the screen as set in the IC Static Control F/M. Preset options include Item number, Alpha sort, Vendor number, item Class, Location or Movement class order.
2. Beginning (Order Choice)
Select the beginning order choice to capture. Press F1 or the
to default to First. Press F2 or
to search when the order is item, vendor or class.
3. Ending (Order Choice)
Select the ending order choice to capture. Press F1 or the
to default to Last. Press F2 or
to search when the order is item, vendor or class.
4. Item Type
Enter the type of item to capture: Stocked items and/or Nonstocked items. Press Enter (CR) to default to SN.
5. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse to capture. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or
to search for warehouses.
6. Cutoff Date
Enter the next physical inventory cutoff date. Items with the next physical inventory date (as set through the Warehouse/Item F/M) on or before the date entered are captured. Press Enter (CR) or select the
icon to default to the system date.
Note: For Radio Beacon controlled warehouses this field is not available.