Use this program to obtain a report of all items that show a discrepancy between the on hand or available quantity at the time of capture and the physical count recorded.
Items with discrepancies print in the same order (item, alpha, vendor, item class, or location) as they appeared on the count sheets.
Report information includes the following: item number and description, primary and alternate bin locations, serial lot number (if applicable), physical count, captured count, discrepancy between physical and captured counts, stocking unit of measure, cost, costing unit of measure and cost discrepancy and physical extension. The total number of items listed is also included.
For items with multiple bin locations, the following applies:
Printing Discrepancies only
If the IC Static Control F/M setting for Count Exceptions Only is set to No, then the any null count quantity for any location is considered zero. If the Count Exceptions Only flag is set to Yes, a null count quantity in the primary location record is considered equal to the capture quantity. A null quantity in any other location records is considered zero. This comes into effect when you select to print discrepancies only. Using the above rules, all location count quantities are summed and compared to the capture quantity. If they are equal, this is also not considered a discrepancy.
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Physical Inventory -->Discrepancy Report.
1. Order
The order choice automatically appears on the screen as set in the inventory static control record. Preset options include Item number, Alpha sort, Vendor number, item Class, Location or Movement class.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Enter the beginning order choice to print. Press
to default to First. Press F2 or
to search.
3. Ending Order Choice
Enter the ending order choice to print. Press
to default to Last. Press F2 or
to search.
4. Item Type
Enter the type of item to print: Stocked and/or Nonstocked. CR defaults to SN.
5. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse to print. The entry must be a valid warehouse code. CR defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal.
6. Item Description
Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or Both from Item F/M. CR defaults to 1.
7. Discrepancies Only
Indicate whether to print only those items whose captured quantity and physical quantity show a discrepancy. Press Enter (CR) to default to selected..
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Register formats and procedures
Reports and Prints Menu Options