Use Catalog Item Inquiry to review information for catalog items within inventory.
When you first access Catalog Item Inquiry, the upper portion of the screen contains a Go to field, which is used locate specific items. The Go to field is case sensitive. This means that if you enter i100 to lookup a item number when someone entered it as I100, the item record you are looking for will not appear in the browser.
The Starts With option uses only the first column of the Layout list for the search. To use Starts With, enter one or more characters to match the beginning of the records for the search. Then, choose the Go button or press Enter to begin the search.
For example, if you enter D as the Starts With in the Item Lookup and press Enter, the Lookup list will redisplay records showing the first item that begins with a D. If there are no matches for your selection, a message displays and the Lookup list does not change.
You can select the
(filters) icon if you want to limit the number of records that appear in the inquiry browser. You can also choose Options-->Filter Values.
There are two views available in the lower portion of the screen:
General |
Displays the following information from the item’s master file: item class; item price class; vendor; vendor item; interchange item number, weight, model number and standard package size associated with this catalog item and the date the item was established (entered) in the system. |
Pricing |
Displays pricing information including current and suggested list price and manual cost, the pricing unit of measure, the current and suggested standard price, current and suggested pricing for levels used by the system (1-6 as set in the IC Static Control F/M), and quantity break prices in both the default Pricing and Quantity Break UM (if available). |
Sync is a method of connecting the entry programs with information displayed in customer, item and vendor inquiries. It is a helpful feature because it enables you to get real-time information such as customer balances, vendor balances and warehouse quantities, while you are working in entry programs.
You can select the
icon to change or update the information displayed in this inquiry. When you use the Sync feature, the icon display changes to
. Use this display to note whether your inquiry is in Sync mode.
Inquiries are synchronized on a per user basis. In other words, if you are signed on to FACTS in one window with one name and signed on in another window with another name, it will appear as if the Sync function is not working.