Use this program to obtain the Item Interchange Listing. The item interchange file is a storage place for interchangeable or superseded part numbers listed for one stock item. It might be used to store customers’ own part numbers to access your numbers when sales orders are entered. It might also be used to identify your own numbers using user-defined codes.
item number and description; corresponding interchange item(s) and memo(s); and total number of items listed.
To access this program, choose Inventory Control-->Reports & Prints -->Item Interchange Listing.
1. Order
Enter the order in which to print: Item order, Alpha order, Vendor order, and Item Class order. Press Enter (CR) to default to Item.
2. Beginning [Order Choice]
Press Enter (CR) or
to default to the FIRST record on file, or you can enter specific information to narrow the focus of your report. Press F2 or
to search.
3. Ending [Order Choice]
to default to the LAST record on file, or you can enter specific information to narrow the focus of your report. Press F2 or
to search.
4. Item Type
Enter the item type to print: Stocked items, Nonstocked items, and/or Uninventoried items. Press Enter (CR) to default to SNU.
5. Vendor/Item Class
Enter the vendor (or item class if vendor was entered in field #1) to print. The entry must be a valid vendor (or item class). Press F1 or
to default to ALL. Press F2 or
to search.
6. Item Description
Enter whether to print item description 1, 2, or Both from Item F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.
Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates
Setting printer properties in templates
Using print options in reports
Setting a default printer using templates topics
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)
Register formats and procedures
Reports and Prints Menu Options