This program allows you to add, change or delete records in the suggested purchase order file.
In FACTS, you can create suggested orders by three methods:
Creating Suggested Purchase Orders for Non-Stock Items Without a Sales Order Tie
During the quantity validation routines, this program checks the Allow Purchase Without SO flag located on the Main view of Warehouse/Item F/M (ICF920). If the flag is set to "No" and the PO is a request for a positive number of non-stock items, then the system displays a message indicating that non-stock items cannot be purchased without a sales order tie. If the flag is set to "Yes" or the request is for a negative amount of non-stock items, the system completes the purchase order processing for the non-stock items without them being tied to a sales order.
Note that Suggested PO Entry (POE110) also allows uninventoried items to be purchased without a sales order tie.
Special Order Suggested POs
When a special order suggested PO is created, the system checks to make sure that a suggested transfer does not already exist for that sales order and line and that the order and line do not already exist on another suggested PO. The vendor from the suggested PO is updated back to the sales order line. When a special order suggested PO is deleted, the sales order receipt line (SORSOL) vendor field is reset to the item’s primary vendor. In the S column in the browser in the lower portion of the screen you can also review the status of the sales order that created the special order suggested PO; the S column displays the sales order status: H-hold, L-locked or D-deleted.
You can edit all suggested PO entry records through this program, regardless of how you created them.
Using the Suggested PO Report as a worksheet, you can make any necessary changes to the items and quantities calculated by the suggested order program, before entering them as actual PO’s. If necessary, you can import suggested PO’s during PO Entry for the vendor and warehouse you selected in the header portion of the screen. Each item on a suggested purchase order optionally becomes a line-item on the actual purchase order.
In Suggested PO Entry, while viewing the suggested POs, if the SO is on hold, an asterisk will appear beside the SO Doc number. This asterisk also appears on the Suggested PO Report, and the system prints a caption at the end of the report as follows: *=SALES ORDER CURRENTLY ON HOLD.
Suggested PO Entry program contains many useful search and inquiry features designed to help you during the entry process:
You can use the vendor search (press F2 in the vendor field/field point to search) to locate vendor numbers when only the vendor name is known.
You can use the item search (press F2 in the item field/field point to search) to locate item numbers when only the item description is known.
You can enter an item’s interchange, and the system displays the ordering item number.
You can enter a vendor/item number, and the system displays the ordering item number.
You can access the Item Inquiry, which displays inventory information including the following: movement class, seasonal status, restocking type, order point, line point, min stock, max stock, order quantity method, order quantity, lead time (stored in the IC warehouse/item file), safety allowance %, frozen ordering controls, inventory quantities, usage by period and average per period, previous purchases from the displayed vendor, along with the last cost, last purchase date and lead time.
Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Purchase Order Entry -->Suggested PO Entry.
1. Warehouse
Enter the code of the two-character warehouse code where you will receive the items on this purchase order. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press Enter to use the warehouse assigned to the terminal as the default. Press F2 or to search.
2. Vendor
Enter the number of the vendor from whom you are requesting the items. The entry must be a valid vendor number. If there are any suggested orders on file for the selected warehouse, press Enter to default to the first vendor in the suggested order file. Press F2 or select the
icon to search. Press F3 or the Next Record icon to display the next vendor on file.
3. Type
Enter the suggested PO type--enter R for restocking or S for special order. Press Enter to use R (restocking) as the default type.
The system displays the line item browser, the total of both restocking and special order suggested PO’s for the selected vendor and warehouse, and any requirements, buying targets (dollars and pounds), costs, and weights in the lower portion of the screen. For new suggested POs, press Enter (CR) or select the icon to add line items.
In the browser highlight an existing line number and you can select:
Adds line-items. If you entered R-restocking for the Type, the system displays the Restocking Line Entry screen:
Enter the item number to add to the suggested PO. The entry must be a valid item. Press F2 or select the icon to search for items. Enter the quantity to order in the Units field. Press the Inquiry button to view restocking information, inventory quantities, and past purchase information for the item. Press OK to end entries.
If you entered S-special order for the Type, the system displays the Special Order Line Entry screen.
In the Order field, enter the sales order number that you want to use to add the line item. You can press F2 or select the icon to search sales orders with special order items. After you select the sale order to use, enter the line number where the line item appeared on the sales order in the Line field. In the Units field, the system displays backorder quantity from the sales order line. You can modify this value but the units quantity cannot exceed the backordered quantity on the sales order line. Press the Inquiry button to view restocking information, inventory quantities, and past purchase information for the item. Press OK to end entries.
If a sales order is on hold, you cannot import special order lines from the sales order.
Deletes the highlighted line-item
Adds a line item above the highlighted item in the browser.
Modifies the highlighted line item.
Press the
icon to save your changes.
You can press Del Range button to display the Delete Range of Items screen.
To delete line-items: Enter the beginning and ending item(s) to delete; press to search. Press Enter or
to default to FIRST and
to default to LAST. When the system displays the message: OK to delete?, enter N or YES. Press Enter to default to N.
You can press Inquiry to view restocking information, inventory quantities, and past purchase information for the item highlighted in the line item browser.
You can press Done to complete this suggested PO and enter another one. Press Done again to exit the program.