The system automatically creates a receipt number once you complete the header. At that point, the document number appears in the title bar along with the vendor’s name. You can also assign a document number manually if you prefer.
To assign document numbers manually:
1. Open Receipt Entry.
2. Enter the PO number you are receiving, and the system displays the default header information for the PO
3. In the Receipt Number field, enter up to six characters to create a document number. You can manually enter receipt numbers, or set the system to automatically assign them. .
4. To continue receiving the PO, refer to the How to enter or change PO receipt information procedure for additional information.
If this PO is a direct ship, then the warehouse displayed is the initiating warehouse. The warehouse entered for a direct ship is stored only to determine where the PO originated, inventory quantities and restocking controls are not affected. The customer number and address on file in the sales order selected at Vendor field is displayed.
You can access existing purchase order documents that have not been received. Once you begin receiving a purchase order, the system does not allow to you receive a document in the same window. You can also start another session of FACTS if you need to receive another PO while you are in the middle of receiving one.
To receive an existing purchase order:
Enter the purchase order number in the PO Number field and press Enter (CR). If the document number is on file, the vendor number appears in the field and the purchase order number information displays in the header.
1. Choose File-->Open Existing Document.
Search Tips:
2. Use the Document Search window to find the document you want to edit or review.
3. Choose OK in the search window to select the document and return to the main entry window.
Deleted purchase order receipts are not simply removed from the file. The system voids purchase order line item records and if all the line items for a purchase order are deleted, then it changes the header record status to deleted. The purchase order then appears on the next purchase orders Receipt Register as deleted and is removed in the subsequent update. This procedure provides a complete audit trail of all purchase order numbers used.
At any point during the PO entry-receipt process, you can view in detail the PO in its current state or its overview (history since it was entered) status via the PO Vendor Inquiry or Document Inquiry programs.
To delete an order before the receipt header is complete:
Press F4 to back up to the Doc/Vendor field.
To delete an order after the header receipt is complete:
With the purchase order open on screen,
Choose File-->Delete Document from the menu.
You can edit line items on a purchase order receipt.
To edit an existing line item receipt:
Use your mouse or arrow keys to highlight the line in the item browser and press select the icon to make changes for the highlighted line item. Press Enter (CR).
Highlight the line and press Line Detail to access fields that do not appear in the line-item entry section.
Use the mouse or arrow keys to highlight the line in the item browser.
Select the icon to delete the highlighted PO line receipt, or choose Edit-->Delete Item from the menu.
Use the mouse or arrow keys to highlight a line. The program inserts the new line item above the selected one.
Select the button to add a line item above the highlighted item in the browser, or choose Edit-->Insert Line from the menu. Select the
icon to stop entering line items.
Finding Items in the PO Receipt Item Browser
This feature may be helpful when you need to find an item you entered on a long order. It eliminates the need to scroll up and down in the list browser.
Choose Edit-->Find Line Item from the menu.
Enter the item number you want to locate. Press Enter (CR) to go to the first occurrence of that item in the item browser on the main screen. Press F2 to find a different item or F4 to exit the Find Item window.
1. Select the icon to add a PO receipt line. The system displays the Line Detail for Purchase Order screen, which is used to view and modify item descriptions, promise and request dates, item details, item/vendor info, and item cost info.
The program automatically switches to add mode once you complete the header. This means the cursor appears in the Item Number field after you exit the last header field. The program stays in add mode until you press F4 to back out of the line-item entry section or press the
button at the right of the screen.
Quick entry tip: Enter the item number, the ordered quantity and then press the Down Arrow key.
2. The program uses the default information in the rest of the line-item entry fields and returns to the Item Number field.