How to view vendor information

1.  Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Inquiries -->PO Vendor Inquiry.

2. In the browser in the upper portion of the screen, the system displays the available vendors in the system. You can select a vendor by double clicking it in the browser. You can enter a specific vendor in the Go To to locate a specific vendor to use as the beginning display in the browser. The Go to field is case sensitive. This means that if you enter v100 to lookup a vendor number when someone entered it as V100, the customer record you are looking for will not appear in the browser.

3. In the center section of a screen, select the view that contains the type of information you want to see for this specified vendor. You can select from:

Items, which displays the item number, item description and vendor/item number. In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line. The Item Detail window provides information on last receipt, manual cost, month-to-date, year-to-date and prior year history.

Past purchase orders, which displays past PO information including PO number, receipt number, date received, warehouse code, ship-to, warehouse or direct ship type, buyer and amount. In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line. The Past Purchase Order detail window provides document header information, line items and gives you access to receipts.

Purchase orders, which displays purchase order information including document number, type (purchase order, backorder, non-invoiced receipt), status (entered but not printed, printed, received, deleted, voided after received), requested date, promised date, warehouse, ship-to location, buyer code and the amount. Job Cost users: If the item was purchased for a job, the job number, cost code, entry memo and bill extension also appears in the view area. In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line. The Purchase Order detail window provides header and line item information. You can choose to view the status of the purchase order since it was created (Overview), including any received quantities, or you can view it as it appears in the entry program (Current), with extended cost.

Receipts, which displays purchase order receipts information in its entirety including, document number, receipt number, received date, warehouse, terms code, amount (original cost), and invoice. In the lower view portion of the screen, the system displays all lines for the receipt. In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line. The Receipts detail window enables you to view line details for items that appear on the receipt. The detail information includes the status of the line, located in the ‘S’ column (blank is ‘open’ and C is ‘complete’), as well as the invoice number that a line is attached to.

Ship-from addresses, which displays ship-from information from the vendor ship-from file including ship-from code, vendor name, contact person and phone number. In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line. The Ship-from detail window provides address information, both contacts, ship via method, F.O.B., and buyer code.

Suggested purchase orders, which displays suggested PO information including item number, item description, warehouse code, units, unit of measure, order number, line number for which the suggested PO was created and suggested PO type (R-restocking or S-special order). In the view area, select the line that you want more detail on and choose the Line Detail button, or you can double click the icon at the beginning of that line.

Contracts, which displays all cost contracts on file for the vendor.

Costing, which displays the vendor’s default cost class, cost hierarchy, and use lowest cost flag.

Notes, which displays the notes for the specified vendor.

User-Defined, which displays data from the User-Defined view of Customer Inquiry comes from the User-Defined view of Vendor F/M (APF910P)

4.  When you are finished reviewing information for vendors, select the image\exit_shg.gif icon to close the Vendor Inquiry program