Use the Vendor/Item History program to print a report, by vendor or item, of the historical information in the vendor/item file.
This report has a variety of uses including locating active or inactive vendors or items, determining vendors or items to purge from the file and viewing purchasing patterns.
Report information includes vendor number, name, item number and description, date of last purchase, units purchased, number of receipts and average days late for month-to-date, year-to-date and/or prior year. The total number of items listed is also included on the report.
You have the option to:
Select the order to print -- vendor or item.
Select the beginning and ending order choice.
Select the warehouse(s) to print.
Include MTD, YTD and/or PYR figures.
Determine which purchase dates to print.
Determine dollar amount or number of units to print.
Access this program by choosing Purchase Orders -->Reports & Prints -->Vendor/Item History.
1. Order
Enter whether to print the report by V-vendor or I-item. The program defaults to Vendor.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Select the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors or items, depending on your order selection.
3. Ending Order Choice
Select the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search for vendors or items, depending on your order selection
4. Warehouse
Enter up to 20 two-character warehouse codes side by side to print. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or to search for warehouses. Press F3 or
to default to ALL warehouses.
5. Time Period
Enter whether to print M-month-to-date, Y-year-to-date and/or P-prior year figures. The program defaults to all figures.
6. Cutoff
Enter whether amounts A-above or B-below the cutoff amount are to print. Press Enter to default to N and the program then proceeds to the Cutoff Date Basis field.
7. Amount
If Cutoff was set to N, this field is skipped. Enter the cutoff amount (up to 9999999.99) to determine which records are to print. The program defaults to 0.
8. Cutoff Date Basis
Enter whether last purchase dates B-before or A-after the cutoff date should print; i.e., if A is entered, vendor/items with a last purchase date after the date entered (next field) are not included on the report. The program defaults to NO CUTOFF.
9. Date
If you selected NO CUTOFF in the Cutoff Date Basis field, this field is skipped. Otherwise, enter the cutoff date. Press F1 to default to the system date.