Use the Item Lots Report program to print a report of item lot information.
Report information includes the following: warehouse and description, item number and description and for each lot number, number, receipt date, cost, costing unit of measure, PO number and vendor. For each invoice the lot sold on, invoice number, sale date, customer number and name, units sold, selling unit of measure, price, pricing unit of measure and extension is printed.
An asterisk (*) indicates the lot is still on file in inventory. Lot, item, warehouse and report totals are printed and the total number of items listed is also included.
1. Order
Select the order in which you want the report to print: I-item, A-alpha V-Vendor or C-item class. The program defaults to I-Item.
2. Beginning Order Choice
Depending on the order you selected, set the beginning of the range that you want to appear on the report. Press F1 or
to enter FIRST. Press F2 or
to search existing item, vendor or item class codes
3. Ending Order Choice
Depending on the order you selected, set the end of the range that you want to appear on the report. Press F1 or
to enter LAST. Press F2 or
to search existing item, vendor or item class codes.
4. Warehouse
Enter up to twenty 2-character warehouse codes side by side to print. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal on which you are working. Click the
or press F1 to select ALL warehouses.
5. Beginning Date
Enter the beginning date sold. The program defaults to FIRST.
6. Ending Date
Enter the ending date sold. The program defaults to LAST.
7. Item Description
Enter whether you want to print item description 1, 2, B-both or N-neither as entered in the Item F/M. The program defaults to Description 1.
8. Customer Number
You can print this report for all customers to which lot items were sold or a specific customer. To print item lot figures for a specific customer, enter a specific code. Click the Search button or press F2 or
to search existing customer codes. To print the report for all customers, click the
or press F1 to select all customers that purchased lot items. The program defaults to ALL.
9. New Page
If you choose to print the report in Item or Alpha order, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want each vendor or item class to print on a new page. The program defaults to Not selected.
Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)