Use this program to define non-standard runtime replacement variables needed for FACTS Report Formatter processing
Runtime replacements are data elements that may change depending on when the report is run. For instance, if you run a report and want to save it to disk, you may always want the filename to consist of the program name and the date (for example: ICR71004012004.txt). You can define your output option to contain "Program Name"+"Date" and the filename will be created uniquely each time you run the report.
Some common runtime replacements come with standard FACTS (company number, company name, time, user code, etc.). However, a technical person can define new ones if you have a need that is not met by the standard runtime replacements.
1. Description
The replacement code description. Press F2 or the
icon to access the Runtime Replacement Search screen so you can select from a listing of standard FACTS runtime replacement variables.
2. Data Eval
The string algorithm to use at runtime.
3. Procedure
The procedure to use immediately prior to using the eval.