Use this program to obtain a report of program names, descriptions, security codes, terminal validity and printer usage. The printout may be used as a worksheet to initially define security information and printer usage or as reference for users.
Report information includes the following: program designation, name, security code and access code. For each of up to 999 terminal numbers, validity (Y or N) is printed along with the printer-selection option number and the normal printer. Program descriptions, terminal validity and printer usage are defined in the Program F/M. Security codes are issued through the Password and Security Code F/M.
1. Beginning Program
Enter the beginning program to print (up to 6 characters). Press
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Ending Program
Enter the ending program to print (up to 6 characters). Press
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search.
3. Security Codes
Enter the security code(s) in any combination side by side to print (0-9). Press
to default to ALL. Security codes are created and maintained in the User Code F/M.
4. Validity & Printer Information
Enter V-terminal validity, and/or P-printer information to indicate what information is to be included on the report. Press
to default to NONE, which disables the Beginning Terminal and Ending Terminal prompts.
5. Beginning Terminal
Enter the beginning terminal number to print (up to 3 characters). Press
to default to FIRST. If the Validity & Printer Information prompt is set to NONE, this field is disabled.
6. Ending Terminal
Enter the ending terminal number to print (up to 3 characters). Press
to default to LAST. If the Validity & Printer Information prompt is set to NONE, this field is disabled.
7. Skip
Enter the number of lines to skip between programs (0-9) on the report. The program defaults to 0.