Use this program to obtain a report of program designations, names and the menus on which they appear. The report may also print only programs that are not used on any menu. This printout is useful to purge the names of unused programs or to alert the user to place a program on a menu.
Report information includes the following: program designation and the name of each menu on which the program appears. The total number of programs printed is also included.
Program names are defined through the Program F/M. Menus are constructed through the Menu F/M.
1. Beginning Program
Enter the beginning program to print on the report (up to 6 characters). Press
to default to FIRST. Press F2 or
to search.
2. Ending Program
Enter the ending program to print on the report (up to 6 characters). Press
to default to LAST. Press F2 or
to search.
3. Unused Only
Indicate whether to print only those programs not tied into any menu. The program defaults to unselected.