Quotes |
Pick Tickets |
Invoices |
Counter_sales_tab |
Bills of Lading |
The Document Print Control F/M program allows you to set up and maintain the print parameters for quotes, pick tickets, invoices, counter sale slips and bills of lading. It should be set up prior to using the Sales Orders system. Defaults in this program are set to accommodate the preprinted FACTS forms, which users can purchase separately from Infor Forms division. (Sample forms were included with the FACTS New User Packet.)
If your company uses its own preprinted forms, modifications may need to be made to the various programs that affect quote, pick ticket, invoice and counter sales printing. If this is the case, contact your Affiliate.
Preprinted forms are not necessary, however. Samples of non-preprinted outputs are included in the PDF Documentation Library. Also, contact your Affiliate to see if UnForm software meets your needs.
Use the following fields to set up and maintain print parameters:
1. Quote Form Depth
This prompt allows you to indicate how long your quote documents are, enabling the system to print your documents without running information off the bottom edge of the paper.
A form length of 42 accommodates a 7-inch long form and prints 14 line-items per form (most of the FACTS preprinted forms are 7 inches long). Other common settings are 51, which prints 24 line-items on an 8½-inch long form, and 66, which prints 40 line-items on an 11-inch long form.
If your form depth is different from these standards, you can usually multiply the length by 6 to get the proper form depth setting. For example, if you have a 14-inch long form, multiply 14 (your form depth) by 6 (the number of lines per inch) to get 84. The system supports depth settings of 29 to 99.
Note: Simply changing the depth setting without increasing your paper size will not fit more line-items on your form. So, if you change the Quote Form depth to 66, but you’re still using 7-inch long forms, your documents will not print correctly.
2A. Preprinted Form
If you are using the preprinted FACTS forms or your own preprinted forms, set this checkbox to selected. If you don’t use preprinted forms, select N to print to plain paper. (see samples in Appendix C).
2B. Info
If you select Y, the system asks you whether you want to print company information, warehouse information or no information at all on your document.
3. Item Description
If you have two descriptions entered in the IC Item F/M, you can print Description 1, 2 or both. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 1.
Ø If you choose to print both line-item descriptions, the number of line-items that print per form will be cut in half. In other words, if you select both descriptions and set the quote form depth to 66 to accommodate an 8½-inch long form, you will get 20 line-items per form instead of 40.
4. Standard Memo
The memo entered in this prompt serves as the default for all your quote documents. You can override this memo for single documents during Quote Entry, where you are given the option to enter a memo for the specific document that you are working on. Other documents remain unaffected by your changes to a specific document memo.
When FACTS updates a sales order document during routine processing, the standard memo on a document is also updated. For example: A quote document memo will be updated to the pick ticket memo when the quote is converted to a sales order.
Press F2 or
to default to NONE. This memo can be up to 50 characters long.
1. Order Form Depth
Follow the instructions for Quote Form Depth (1). If your order form depth is greater than your quote form, use the formula provided in the Quote Order form depth description to figure your order form depth setting.
2a. Preprinted Form
All of the preprinted forms in this program behave the same. See the instructions for preprinted quote forms (2A).
2b. Info
If you select Y, the system asks you whether you want to print company information, warehouse information or no information at all on your document.
3. Item Description
See the instructions for quote forms (3).
4. Print Ordered By
Indicate whether to print the Ordered By prompt information on pick tickets. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
5. Standard Memo
The memo entered in this prompt serves as the default for all your pick tickets. You can override this memo for single documents during Sales Order Entry, where you are given the option to enter a memo for the specific document that you are working on. Other documents remain unaffected by your changes to a specific document memo.
When FACTS updates a sales order document during routine processing, the standard memo on a document is also updated. For example: When you create a sales order and ship or backorder a line on the sales order, the system updates pick ticket memo to now contain the standard invoice memo.
6. Form Depth
See the instructions for quote forms (1). If your pick ticket form depth is different than your quote forms, follow the formula given in the Quote Form Depth description to determine the proper setting.
7a. Preprinted Form
See the instructions for preprinted quote forms (2A).
7b. Address
This is essentially the same as the Info prompt that appear if you select preprinted quote and order forms. The difference is that addresses are included with each of the following selections.
C prints your company name, address and phone number,
W prints your company name, warehouse description and address
N does not print company or address information on the preprinted invoice form. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N. The program assumes your preprinted forms include this information.
1. Form Depth
See the instructions for quote forms (1). If your invoice form depth is different than your quote forms, follow the formula given in the Quote Form Depth description to determine the proper setting.
2. Print Format
When using the FACTS preprinted forms, several types of invoice forms are available: a short form, a short form with a gross margin tear-off or a long form. Enter S to print on short form, G to print to the short form with the gross margin tear-off, or L to print to the long invoice form. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to S.
If you are not using preprinted forms, these options are still available, but your output will look something like ASCII art (See the pages C-3 to C-8 in Appendix C of this Sales Orders manual). Retaining the print format settings for non-preprinted forms is sometimes helpful if you run out of preprinted forms.
If you select one of the short form options, make sure your invoice form depth is set to 42. When using the long print format, set your invoice form depth to 66.
3. Item Description
See the instructions for quote forms.
4. Print Ordered By
Indicate whether to print the Ordered By prompt information on invoices. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
5. Standard Memo
The memo entered in this prompt serves as the default for all your invoices. You can override this memo for single documents during Sales Order Entry, where you are given the option to enter a memo for the specific document that you are working on. Other documents remain unaffected by your changes to a specific document memo. When FACTS updates a sales order document during routine processing, the standard memo on a document is also updated based on the document processing. For example: When you create a sales order and ship or backorder a line on the sales order, the system updates pick ticket memo to now contain the standard invoice memo.
1. Form Depth
See the instructions for quote forms.
2a. Preprinted Form
See the instructions for quote forms.
2b. Info
See the instructions for quote forms.
3. Print Format
Even though FACTS gives you the option for S-short form or L-long form, S is the only valid field. Long forms don’t exist for Counter Sale documents. If you are using the FACTS preprinted short form, make sure your Counter Sale Form Depth is set to 42.
4. Line Feeds
In most cases, additional line feeds won’t be necessary if the form depth has been set correctly. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 0, and this is the recommended setting for most instances. Some continuous feed printers may require extra line feeds to position the perforated line so that you can tear the form off the printer; however, this usually wastes an entire form. If you do find line feeds are necessary, you can enter a value up to 8.
5. Item Description
See the instructions for quote forms (3).
6. Print Ordered By
Indicate whether to print the Ordered By prompt information on counter sales. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
7. Standard Memo
This prompt enables you to create a default memo for all your counter sale documents. The length is determined by the maximum memo length in field #18. You can override this memo for single documents during Counter Sale entry where you are given the option to enter a memo for the particular document you are working on. Press F2 or
to default to NONE.
1. BOL Use Preprinted Form
Indicate whether to print bills of lading on preprinted forms. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
2. BOL Print Hazardous Only
Indicate whether to print hazardous items only on the bills of lading. If N is entered here, all items with an assigned DOT Code will print. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
Note: An item can have a DOT Code assigned to it but not be hazardous if the Hazardous flag in the Inventory Control DOT Code F/M is set to unselected for that DOT Code.
3. BOL Print Item Weights
Indicate whether to print the weight of items on the bill of lading. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.