The SO Nonstatic Control Record is critical to the proper functioning of the SO System. The record contains information that the SO System references in performing various functions.
CAUTION! It is strongly advised that a password be employed on this program. Changes should be made only with extreme caution and under the supervision of your Affiliate.
The following inputs are located in the SO Nonstatic Control F/M
1. Current Period
Enter the sales orders current period (PPYY). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the current GL period. The system maintains this information after live processing begins.
2. Date Of Last End-Of-Period Update
This is the most recent date that the SO End-of-Period Update was run. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010101.
This is the last date the Post Recurring Invoices Program was run. If recurring invoicing is to be used, enter the last date of the previous month. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010100 (N/A) indicating that recurring invoicing is not used. Press F1 to default to N/A indicating recurring invoicing is not used.
The system uses the following prompts to track document and register numbers and maintains the values after live processing begins. As FACTS updates a register or a user completes document header, the last number used increases by one.
Ü During installation, make sure these fields are set to 0 (press Enter (CR)).
4. Last Quote #
5. Last Order #
6. Last Invoice #
7. Last Counter Sale #
8. Last Direct Invoice #
9. Last Credit Memo #
10. Last Daily Sales Register #
12. Last Blanket Order #
13. Last Blanket Release Register #
*14. Terminal Running DSR
Enter the 3-character ID of the terminal that is currently running the SO Daily Sales Register. Enter blanks to indicate that the register is not running. The register usually sets this field automatically. You can override it if, for instance, a user has aborted out of a register and you need to set this field back to blanks. Press F2 or
to search of terminal IDs.
NOTE: You must enter a password to access this field.
*15. Terminal Running Release Register
Enter the 3-character ID of the terminal that is currently running the BSO Release Register. Enter blanks to indicate that the register is not running. The register usually sets this field automatically. You can override it if, for instance, a user has aborted out of a register and you need to set this field back to blanks. Press F2 or
to search of terminal IDs.
NOTE: You must enter password to access this field.
*16. Date Of Last Release Register
This is the last date the BSO Release Register was updated. If blanket sales orders are to be used, enter the last date of the previous month. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to 010100.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.