If you offer delivery services, the Route F/M program enables you to create and maintain delivery route codes and corresponding descriptions. If routing is not used, (the Use Routes flag in the SO Static Control F/M is set to unselected), this program may be skipped.
If your system is set up for routing, each customer is assigned a default route based on the information set up in this file maintenance. That customer’s default route appears on all quotes, orders and invoices created for that customer. Orders and invoices may then be printed according to routes. These orders or invoices are usually sent out with the merchandise on delivery trucks.
NOTE: Invoices sent out with deliveries do not print on the Daily Sales Register (that is, post to the Accounts Receivable File) until the route has been released (or approved) in the Route Release program (SOU310) under the Invoices menu. For example, on Tuesday, a truck goes out with TUE route invoices. When the Daily Sales Register is printed on Tuesday, TUE invoices do not appear because the Route Release Program has not been run for route TUE. This is because the TUE invoices are still on the delivery truck and some merchandise might be refused; some corrections may have to be made to the TUE invoices before updating them to Accounts Receivable. Only after the truck has returned with the invoice slips and the corrections have been made to these invoices should the TUE route be released. Once released, the Tuesday invoices will print on the next Daily Sales Register and post to AR.
Use the following fields to create and maintain route codes:
1. Route
Enter the route (up to 3 characters). Press F2 or the
icon to search.
2. Description
Enter a description (up to 30 characters) for the route code.
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.