The following inputs control a range of functions in the Sales Orders modules:
*1. Charge Tax
Enter N-to skip tax input and do not charge tax, Y-charge tax based on the tax code and the item’s taxable status, or O-allow the calculated tax amount to be overridden. This entry affects the ending routine of the sales orders entry programs (freight is taxed based on the Tax Freight flag in the Accounts Receivable Tax File). Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
2. Charge Freight
Indicate whether freight may be charged in the sales orders entry programs. If N is entered, the freight input is skipped and no freight is charged. If Y is entered, freight may be entered manually. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
3. OE Serial/Lot # Entry
Enter whether users N-do not assign serial numbers or lot numbers in Order Entry, Y-always assign the serial numbers or lot numbers in the line-item portion of Order Entry, or M-maybe, allow the option of assigning the serial numbers or lot numbers in Order Entry. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
4. POs for Direct Ships
Enter whether users N-do not allow the system to automatically create a purchase order for a direct shipment, Y-automatically create a purchase order for a direct shipment (NOTE: the system creates a PO, not a suggested PO), or M-maybe, allow the user the option at the time of Order Entry, Order Confirmation or Direct Invoice Entry to create the PO. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
5. Change Printed Invoice
Indicate whether to allow changes to printed invoices: Yes = allow changes, No = do not allow changes or Password = changes allowed if a password is supplied. If P is selected, use the override password set up in System Management --> File Maintenance --> Company Control F/M.
6. DSR Recap Options
Enter whether to print T-terminal code, W-warehouse, S-salesperson/territory, C-terms code, D-department recaps and/or R-remote sales on the Daily Sales Register. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to none (blanks). Press F2 or
to default to none (blanks).
8. DSR Recap Period-To-Date
Indicate if the period-to-date recap should be included when printing the Daily Sales Register. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
In the Pick Ticket section of the screen, complete the following:
9. Quantity
Enter one of the following values to indicate what type of item quantity to print on the pick ticket:
O - print ordered quantity only (in ordered column). Press Enter (CR) to default to this value.
C - print committed quantity and backordered quantity. The committed quantity is printed in the ordered column on preprinted forms. If the backordered quantity is too large for the column, it is printed on the next line.
10. Print by Location
Indicate if pick tickets should be printed in location order. If Y is entered, the items print in location order. If N is entered, the pick tickets print in the order that the items were entered. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to unselected.
11. Print Alt Locations
Indicate whether alternate bin locations print on the pick ticket.
12. Allow Print if Not Ready
Indicate whether you want to allow the optional printing of sales orders that are not ready to ship.
This field is used at the end of sales order entry and the Pick Ticket Print program to dictate if you are prompted to print the initiating warehouse pick ticket for an order that is not ready to ship. If an order or line is "eligible to ship", it means the order has met the requirements to ship according to the ship complete status and the amount of committed stock on the order. This processing is available only if you indicate you want to print committed and backordered quantities on the pick ticket in the Quantity input above. Refer to the Ship Complete Feature Overview topic for details.
13. Commit In Confirmation
Indicate whether to allow entry of a committed quantity in order confirmation.
14. Freight Default Code
In the Quote Entry header, the freight code can be set to one of three options: P-Prepaid, C-Collect, B-Bill Later or A Prepay/Add. Use this flag to set the default for all quotes. Users will be able to change the flag on individual documents.