The Contract Hierarchy F/M is an optional program that allows you to set the hierarchy for contract prices. This hierarchy provides the order in which contract prices are searched during the Sales Order Entry programs.
In the SO Static Control F/M, the Default Price control determines what priority the order entry programs give contract prices in relation to other types of prices set up in the system.
Contract prices will not appear in Sales Order Entry programs if the Use Contract Pricing flag in SO Static Control F/M is not selected, or is set to N.
The contract pricing matrix that you create in this program is based on the customer (who is placing the order) and the item (what merchandise is being purchased). You must determine the priority by customer of which price the system should select as well as the priority by item of which price the system should select. The choices of the hierarchy are as follows:
Based on how you set the priorities of customer and item, the system sets the priorities of all contracts from highest priority to lowest automatically.
Use the following fields to set up a hierarchy for contract pricing:
1. Select Lowest Price
Enter N or Y to indicate whether you want the lowest calculated price to be chosen from the hierarchy if two or more price contracts exist. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to N.
2. Customer Scope Priority
Enter the order of the customer priority. For example, enter CIA if you want the order to be 1) customer price class, 2) individual customer and 3) all customers. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to ICA. Press F2 or the
icon to access the Customer Priority Options screen where you can enter or modify the order of the customer priority.
3. Item Scope Priority
Enter the order of the item scope priority. For example, enter VCIA if you want the order to be 1) vendor, 2) item price class, 3) individual item and 4) all customers. Press Enter (CR) to default to ICVA. Press F2 or the
icon to access the Item Priority Options screen where you can enter or modify the order of the item priority.
4. Press OK on the Customer Priority Options screen or Item Priority Options screen to add the order. record with the displayed hierarchy.
Once set up, you have the following options:
D or
Deletes the record.
F3 or Reset Resets the hierarchy to the default hierarchy. If you enter this option, the following question will display: Are you sure you want to reset the hierarchy to default setting? Enter N or YES. Press Enter (CR) to default to N.
Saves the hierarchy as the default hierarchy