Use the Contract Listing program to obtain a listing of selected existing contracts entered through the Contract Entry program.
You have the option to:
Use the following fields to print a list of contracts:
1. Contract Status
Select the contract status to use to print the listing. You can select from C-Current, F-Future, E-Expired, or A-All, The program defaults to A-All.
2. As of
If you select to print a listing for all contracts or expired contracts, enter the date to use for determining the contract expiration. Press F1 or the
icon to enter "Today" as the date.
3. Approval Status
Select whether to print contracts that are W—not yet approved, R—already approved, A --All. The program defaults to A-All.
4. Contract Type
Select the contract type for the listing. You can select from A-All, L-Level price contracts, or Q-Quantity break price contracts. The program defaults to A-All.
5. Priority Contract
Indicate whether to include contracts that marked as Priority Contracts. You can select “All” (which is an indication to disregard the setting of priority contract), “Exclude” (which is an indication to report those contracts that do not have the priority contract check box selected), or “Only” (which is an indication to report those contracts that have the priority check box selected).The program defaults to A-All.
6. Quote Origination
Indicate how to include contracts created from quotes. You can select “All” (which is an indication to disregard the setting of quote origination), “Exclude” (which is an indication to report those contracts that do not have quote origination), or “Only” (which is an indication to report those contracts that have quote origination).The program defaults to A-All.
7. Last Used Date
Indicate how to include the last date used for contracts . You can select “All” (which is an indication to disregard the last date used setting ), “Exclude” (which is an indication to report those contracts that do not have a last date used), or “Only” (which is an indication to report those contracts that have a last date used).The program defaults to A-All.
Note Additional options, available to the right of the Last Used Date field are available when the Last Used Date field selection is “only” – this allows for a range of dates that may be entered. If the contract’s last used date is not between the entered date ranges then it will not be reported.
8. Chained Contracts
You can select:
All to ignore any selection criteria, “exclude” to not include any contract that has either a previous, or a next, or both, contract value entry.
Previous to report only those contracts that have a previous entry – if a beginning and/or ending contract is entered then the previous contract entry must fall between those values. There is no ‘check’ performed for ‘next’ contract values when the choice made is “previous”
Next performs in the same way as a choice of “previous” described above, selecting to include in the report only those contracts that have a next contract entry meeting the desired criteria.
Both to require that those contracts on the report have both a previous contract entry and a next contract entry. The required beginning and ending contract numbers can be entered to restrict those reported contracts to a subset that must fall between the entered contract numbers.
5. Contract Selection Method
Select the contract selection method for the listing. You can select from A—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Situation or E—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Scope.
Select A—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Situation for a wider-range listing or select E—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Scope to produce a more narrow listing.
Specific Situation
If you selected A—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Situation, the following fields are available.
6. Show Notes
Indicate whether to print all notes on the report. The box can be unchecked and notes will not print on the report. Only those notes that, when they were entered, have the ‘print on contract listing’ check box selected will print on the report. Document (header) notes have been added to contract entry as have ‘line notes at the item scope level’ – this check box controls printing, or not, both types of notes to those contracts that are reported.
7. Customer
The customer for the specific contract situation. Press F2 or
to search.
7. To
Enter the ship-to to use for the customer. Press F2 or
to search. Leave this field blank to use all ship-tos for the customer.
8. Item
Enter the item for the specific contract situation. Press F2 or
to search.
9. Quantity
Enter the item quantity for the specific contract situation.
10. UM
If you enter an item quantity, enter the selling UM.
11. Shipment Type
Enter the item shipment type for the specific contract situation. You can select from D-Direct Ship, W-Warehouse, or B-Both.
12. Warehouse
For the shipment types Both or Warehouse, enter the warehouse for the direct ship for the specific contract situation. Press F2 or
to search.
13. Vendor
For the shipment types Both or Vendor, enter the vendor for the direct ship for the specific contract situation. Press F2 or
to search.
Specific Scope
If you selected E—Contracts that Apply to a Specific Scope, the following fields are available.
14. Cust Scope
Enter the customer scope on which the contract listing should be based: N-No Particular Customer Scope, S--Specific Customers, C--Customer Price Class, or A--All customers. The program defaults to N-No Particular Ship-to Scope.
15. Beginning
If All was selected in the previous field, this field is skipped. If the print by selected was item, enter the beginning Item, Item Price Class, or Vendor to print, depending on the item scope selected. If the print by selected was customer, enter the beginning Customer or Customer Price Class to print, depending on the customer scope selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to FIRST. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
16. Ending
If the print by selected was customer, enter the ending Customer or Customer Price Class to print, depending on the customer scope selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to LAST. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
17. Ship To Scope
Enter the Ship-to scope on which the contract listing should be based: N-No Particular Ship-to Scope, S--Specific Ship-to, or A--All customers. The program defaults to N-No Particular Ship-to Scope.
18. Ship To
If you selected S—Specific Ship-to in the scope field, enter the ending ship-to scope selected.
19. Item Scope
Enter the item scope in which contracts should be based: N-No Particular Item Scope, S-Specific Items, C-Item Price Class, V-Vendor or A-All customers. The program defaults to N-No Particular Item Scope.
20. Beginning
If All was selected in the previous field, this field is skipped. If the print by selected was item, item price class, or vendor, enter the beginning Item, Item Price Class, or Vendor to print, depending on the item scope selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to FIRST. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
21. Ending
If All was selected in the scope field, this field is skipped. If the print by selected was item, item price class, or vendor enter the ending Item, Item Price Class, or Vendor to print, depending on the item scope selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to LAST. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
22. UM (Unit of Measure) Scope
If you selected specific items for the Item Scope, select whether to print contracts based on N-No Particular UM Scope, S-Specific units of measure or A-All units of measure. Press F1 or the
icon to default to ALL. Press F2 or the
icon to view options.
23. Unit of Measure (to update)
If UM Scope was selected in the previous field, enter the specific unit of measure to use for the contract listing (up to 2 characters). The entry must be a valid unit of measure. Press F1 or the
icon to default to ALL.
24. Ship Scope
Enter the shipment scope on which the contract listing should be based: N-No Particular Shipment Scope, D-All Direct Shipments, d-Specific Direct Shipments, W-All Warehouses or w-Specific warehouses. The program defaults to N-No Particular Item Scope.
Note that these options are case-sensitive.
25. Vendor
If you selected d-Specific Direct Shipments for the Ship Scope, enter the vendor for the direct shipments.
26. Whse
If you selected w-Specific Warehouse Shipments for the Ship Scope, enter the warehouse for the warehouse shipments.
27. Print Actual Prices
Indicate whether to print actual prices along with the contract prices. The program defaults to No.
Indicate whether to print item pricing. This check box can be checked only when the Include Scope Detail check box is checked. If the Show Item Scope Pricing is checked then any pricing information entered for entries made at the item scope level will print on the report.