Use the Order Status Report to obtain a report of all open orders and/or backorders currently in the sales orders processing cycle.
This report is especially useful in spotting inventory shortages and potential shortages, as well as allocating available stock.
You have the option to:
The report includes the following: document number, requested date, customer number, customer name, item number, item description, available quantity, on order quantity, backordered quantity, sales order quantities, amount ordered, committed, shipped, and backordered, selling and pricing units of measure, price, shipping and initiating warehouse, order type, and an extension of the total dollar amount ordered.
If the item is a special order then the PO/transfer information and status is printed. If you are printing component items for BOM finished items, they are denoted by an asterisk by the item number and include any memos. The order the information prints depends on the print order.
FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output Options
This report has access to the FACTS Report Formatter and Multiple Output option. The Multiple Output option allows you to print to more than one output for each instance of a report. For example, a report can print to Excel, the viewer, and to a printer all in one print run. To access the multiple output feature simply choose the Multiple option from the Print Options screen. The FACTS Report Formatter allows you to expand your reporting capabilities beyond defining a printer (in Printer F/M). To access the FACTS Report Formatter, select Custom Report Layout--> Customize Report from the menu bar.
Use the following fields to print an Order Status Report:
1. Print Order
Select the order in which to print the report: Order number, Item number or Customer number. The program defaults to Order number.
2. Sort (By Date)
If you selected Item or Customer number in the Print Order field, this field is skipped. If you selected Order number, indicate whether to print the documents in requested date order. The program defaults to not selected.
3. Date
If you selected the Sort by flag, indicate if you want orders sorted on the report using the ordered date if the requested date is ASAP. The program defaults to not selected. This field is skipped if N was entered for the Sort By Date field.
4. Beginning
Enter the beginning order choice to print. Press F1 or the
icon to default to FIRST. Press F2 or the
icon to search.
5. Ending
Enter the ending order choice to print. Press F1 or the
icon to default to LAST. Press F2 or the
icon to search.
6. Warehouse
Enter the warehouse for which the report is to print. Entering a valid warehouse code displays the warehouse description. The program defaults to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F2 or the
icon to search. Press F3 or the
icon to default to ALL.
7. Warehouse or Direct Shipment Orders
Select whether to print W-warehouse orders or D-direct shipment orders. The program defaults to ALL.
8. Type
If the Allow Backorders flag in the Sales Orders Static Control F/M is not selected, this field is skipped. Otherwise, indicate whether you want to print Open orders only or Backorders only on the report. The program defaults to ALL.
9. Include
This field is skipped if O or ALL was entered in the Type field. Indicate whether to print D (documents with a type of backordered) or L (any document with a backordered line-item). Note that if you enter D, the report will not include documents with a type of O (open orders) that have some backordered line-items. The program defaults to D.
10. Priority
Enter the order priority to use for printing: N-normal, R-rush and/or H-service hold orders. Press F3 to default to All or F4 to backup.
11. Origin
The origin of the sales order document. Available origins are: N-non-remote, W-web or R-remote or A-all.
12. Price
Indicate whether to print pricing information on the report. The program defaults to selected.
13. Quantities
This field is skipped if N was entered in the Price field. Enter A to use actual quantities to calculate the price extension on the report (i.e., committed or shipped quantities) or O to use the quantities ordered by the customer(s). The program defaults to A.
14. Beginning Date
Enter the beginning request date to print. Press F1 to default to FIRST.
15. Ending date
Enter the ending request date to print. Press F1 to default to LAST.
16. Item Description
Enter whether to print description 1 on the report, description 2 on the report, Both descriptions, or N-no description as set in the Item F/M. The program defaults to not selected.
17. BOM Components
Indicate whether to print the component items for BOM finished items. These are finished items for which on-hand quantities are updated in SO (i.e., they are not processed through Manufacturing Control).
Enter the salesperson/territory to print. Press F2 or the
icon to search. Press F3 or the
icon to default to ALL.