Use the SO Code List program to print a listing of each of the following sales order codes:
Each code above is entered into its own F/M program. Routes are assigned to each document in sales orders (if used). Returns codes are assigned to items when the merchandise is returned and defines why the merchandise is being returned. Return reason codes are assigned to items on a CR (Customer Return document) when the merchandise is returned and defines why the merchandise is being returned. Return disposition codes are also assigned to items on a CR when the merchandise is returned and defines what is to be done with the merchandise once it is returned.
Report information includes each code and the information stored with the code. The total number of codes listed is also included.
Use the following fields to print a code lit:
1. Select Number
Enter whether to print 1-Route, 2-Returns code 3 - Returns reason code or 4 - Returns disposition code. The program defaults to Route.
2. Beginning [Order Choice]
Select the beginning order choice to print of the field selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to FIRST. Press F2 or the
icon to search.
3. Ending [Order Choice]
Select the ending order choice to print of the field selected. Press F1 or the
icon to default to LAST. Press F2 or the
icon to search.