Use the Quote Header section to enter the quote number, customer, quote and expiration dates and other general information. This window contains all the possible fields for the Quote Entry Header.
Tip: When you press Enter or Tab when entering quote information, the additional fields that appear, such as Ship Via Code, an inside salesperson code, etc., depend on the settings selected in SO Entry Options F/M. This procedure details all possible entries. Most of these entries already display default information; you can modify these values.
Use the following field descriptions to enter information for a quote header:
1. Doc/Cust
Quote Number
Enter the quote # to display or the customer number for the quote.
Tip: The system automatically creates a document number once you complete the header (if you leave it blank). At that point, the document number appears in the title bar along with the customer’s name. You can also assign a document number manually if you prefer. You can select the
to access the Add New Document dialog box, where you can manually enter the new quote number.
To assign quote numbers, select File-->New Document Number to access the Assign Quote Number dialog box. Enter a document number or click the Assign Next Doc icon to have the system assign the next available number. When you complete your header information, the system displays the assigned quote number at the top of the screen.
When you complete your header information, the system displays the assigned quote number at the top of the screen.
To Search:
Press F2 or select the
icon to perform a customer search. To search for quotes, select the
icon or press F3.
Warehouse Stock vs Direct Ships: The system determines the way a quote is filled (from the warehouse stock or as a direct shipment form the vendor) based on the Combine WH/Direct Ships flag in the IC Warehouse F/M. If this flag is set to Y, the system allows you to enter both types of quotes on a single order. If the Combine WH/Direct Ships flag in the IC Warehouse F/M is set to N, the system fills the quote from warehouse stock or for direct ships the system treats the quote as a direct shipment from the vendor. For direct ships, you must enter the vendor from whom the direct shipment is being sent. Depending on the POs for Direct Ships flag in the Sales Orders Static Control Record, the purchase order for the vendor may be automatically created by the system.
2. Customer
Enter the customer number for this quote. Entering NEW as the customer number allows you to enter a customer who is not yet in the Customer File. This allows you to send quotes to potential customers without continually expanding the Customer File (if the quote is not converted to a sale). However, quotes with NEW customer numbers cannot be converted to a sale. You must assign the new customer a valid customer number and assign it to the quote before it may be converted.
You can select the
button or press F1 to access the Quick Customer Add dialog box, which is used to add customers on-the-fly. This option is only available for use if the Customer Creation flag in the SO Static Control Record is set to Y. When used, the system calls the Customer F/M screen and allows you to add a new customer.
When a new customer is added by using the F1-Add feature in the order entry programs, the customer credit check field value is loaded from the default in the AR Static Control record. You cannot enter credit check information this screen. If you need to modify the customer credit information, access AR Customer F/M.
If you press F1 from the Customer F/M, you can assign the next available customer number automatically to the customer being created. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a customer search. Refer to the Customer Search topic for details about searching for customers.
Entering a valid customer number displays the customer's price level, address, balance, credit limit, date of last sale, phone number, contact 1, and message if on file.
Credit Check Note: The system performs a customer credit check for each customer during Sales Order entry programs based on the Credit Limit value and the number of Credit Check Days entered on the Accounting tab of Customer F/M. For additional credit check processing details, such as disputed invoice processing, adding customers on-the-fly, or displaying customer aging , refer to the Customer Credit Check topic.
3. Ship-To Number
The system displays the ship-to code from the customer’s default information. The system displays the full ship-to address. If the ship-to code is missing in the Customer F/M, the system stops at the Ship-to field and requires you to enter the ship-to code before you can continue with the order. You can press F4 to back up and enter the ship-to number for the selected customer. Press F2 or the
icon to perform a search.
If a customer requests to have an order shipped to an address other than its usual shipping address, select F3 or the
icon to use the Temporary Ship-to feature to enter a temporary address that is not to be kept on file permanently.
The system displays the message: Do You Wish To Add As New Permanent Ship-To? if a ship-to number that is not on file was added in the previous field. Enter N or Y to add the ship-to number permanently to the AR Ship-To File. Press Enter (CR) to default to N. If you enter Y, the Ship-To Address Window appears so you can add ship-to information.
At any point during fields #4-13, you can select F3-Defaults. This causes the program to accept the defaults on file for all fields through Reference Number. If you are entering a new quote and values for fields #4-13 have not been entered, then the default values are the same as if you pressed Enter (CR) through the same fields. If you have entered values on the new quote or elected to change or correct the header portion of an existing quote, then the default values are the same as if you selected F1 to skip at each field. If the program does not skip to Reference Number and instead stops at an earlier field, it means the system could not find a valid default value for that field, and you must enter a valid value before continuing.
4. Warehouse/Initiating Warehouse
If using multiple warehouses on an order, this field displays as Init Warehouse. Enter the warehouse code from which the items are to be depleted. The entry must be a valid warehouse. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to this terminal. Press F2 to search. Press F3 to use a default entry. The shipping warehouse defaults to the initiating warehouse (rather than the last shipping warehouse entered.)
At this point, you can (via the View menu) display Aging information, such as the customer's credit limit and outstanding balance for the last number of periods (set in the Accounts Receivable Aging Control Record). You can also access customer notes.
You can select the blue Customer Notes hyperlink to access the Customer Notes feature.
You cannot access the Customer Notes feature (View-->Customer Notes) while you are working in the line-item portion of the screen. When you finish with line items, place the cursor in the header portion of the screen and then select View-->Customer Notes.
5. Price Level
The system displays the price level information in the upper portion of the screen.
6. Quote Date
Enter the date the quote is given. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.
7. Expiration Date
Enter the date this quote expires, or press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed. You can select F1 or the
to change a date in this field to NONE.
8. Freight Code
Enter whether the freight code is P-prepaid, C-collect, B-bill later or A Prepay/Add. Press Enter (CR) to default to the freight code selected in the customer’s file.
9. Ship Via
Enter the ship via or carrier (up to 15 characters) for the initiating warehouse. This code is maintained in the Ship Via F/M. Press Enter (CR) to default to the value already displayed (initially the ship via assigned to the ship-to number). If using multiple warehouses on an order, the value at this field may change. Press F2 or the
icon to a search. If a rate shop is highlighted in the search, press F1 to view the carriers that comprise the rate shop.
10. Ship Complete
Enter the default ship complete status for all warehouses on the quote, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field.
You can select from the following options:
N Allow Partial--Indicates you want to allow the shipped quantity to be less than the ordered quantity for the warehouses for this order.
Y Ship Complete--Indicates you want to allow the quantity ordered must be the same as the quantity shipped for the warehouses, all lines must ship complete for the specified customer.
B Balance Complete—Indicates you want to allow all lines to ship partial in the first shipment for the warehouses, but the backordered quantities must be shipped complete. Once the warehouse is processed through the DSR, the line is changed to ship complete.
11. Order Priority
Enter the default order priority, or press F4-Backup to return to the preceding field. You can select from the following options:
N Normal—Indicates that orders for this customer have no special priority.
R Rush—Indicates that you want to advise the warehouse, via the pick ticket, that this customers orders are rush orders.
H Service Hold—Indicates that you want orders for this customer not to be shipped due to a non-credit-related reason.
12. Date Accepted/
The date the quote was accepted.
13. Date Declined
The date the quote was declined.
14. Reason Code
Enter the standard Facts lost sale reason code and set up in sales order file maintenances. When you enter a declined date the system prompts you for the SO lost sales reason code.
After the header record is created, all header fields except the customer code and quote number are accessible through the change header routine. Fields #1-2 can usually only be changed by deleting and reentering the quote. The exceptions to this is the Customer field - if NEW is entered here, it can be changed.
Select the ‘Contracts’ button on the bottom of the screen to convert the quote to a contract.
Select the ‘Orders’ button on the bottom of the screen to convert the quote to a sales orders.
The “Ord-Con”column in the browser displays the order conversion availability’ of a line.
Order conversion availability options are listed underneath the ‘Ord’ section of the column – controlling changing the options from Y to N or from N to Y is via the ‘Orders’ button. Contract conversion availability is the same but is underneath the ‘Con’ section of the column and is controlled by clicking the ‘Contracts’ button.
15. Bring In Another Quote
Enter YES to bring in another quote, then enter the quote number. Press F2 to search. You can establish some standard quotes so that there is no need to enter them each time. By using the Bring in Another Quote function, the line-items automatically transfer from the quote selected to the quote being entered. The quote selected to be brought in is not affected by the transfer. It stays in its original form. If you enter No, the system continues without additional quote information.
When you import a quote into a new quote, the system recalculates the cost of each item to the current cost. For items that contain a user-overidden cost, the system recalculates the cost based on a setting on the Quotes tab of the SO Static Control F/M. The setting allows you to indicate whether you want the system to recalculate a user-entered item cost when the quote is imported to a new quote or converted to a sales order.
For document importing, if you use the source document pricing, since all prices come in as user override prices, the system sets the price’s commission % to "No Priority" and calculates the default commission. Refer to the Calculating Commissions topic for processing details.
If multiple warehouses on an order are being used:
Quote Entry Footer Information