This program automatically removes converted or expired quotes from the system.
Once a quote is converted to a sale (an order), the quote remains in the Quote File. They may be left on file so they can be printed through the Quote Listing. Since this file eventually fills up, make sure you run this program periodically to remove the quotes that you no longer need to keep on file.
You have the option to:
1. Warehouse
Enter up to 20 two-character warehouse codes side by side to indicate the warehouse(s) for which quotes are to be removed. Only valid warehouse codes are accepted. Press Enter (CR) to default to the warehouse assigned to the terminal. Press F1 or select the
icon to default to ALL. Press F2 or the
icon to a search.
2. Salesperson/Territory
Enter a valid salesperson/territory for which to remove quotes. Entering a valid salesperson/territory displays the name. Press F1 or select the
icon to default to ALL. Press F2 or the
icon to a search.
3. Customer
Enter a valid customer for which to remove quotes. Entering a valid customer displays the name. Press F1 or select the
icon to default to ALL. Press F2 or the
icon to a search.
4. Status
Enter whether to remove E-expired and/or S-sold or ALL-all quotes. Press F1 or select the
icon to ALL. Press F2 or the
icon to a search.
5. Cutoff Date
Enter the date to remove through. Any quote with a quote date after the date entered is removed. Press Enter (CR) or the
icon to default to ending date of the last GL period closed.