************************************************* Readme file for FACTS PDF Documentation Library ************************************************* This CD includes the following: AP-Accounts Payable AR-Accounts Receivable FL-FaxLink GL-General Ledger IC-Inventory Control JC-Job Cost MC-Manufacturing Control PO-Purchase Orders PR-Payroll SA-Sales Analysis SM-System Management SO-Sales Orders TF-TeleFACTS Third Party Installation and User Documentation Archive Install Archive Users Manual FacetTerm FacetWin ICVerify for Win. Reference Guide ICVerify for Windows Quick Setup Guide Report Writer User Manual Unform VSI-FAX Getting Started Manual VSI-FAX Integration Manual VSI-FAX Linux Tips, Tricks and Hints VSI-FAX Server Manual VSI-FAX Upgrade Guide for VSI-FAX Gold Series Customers Adobe Acrobat 4.0 Reader (double click the rs40eng.exe to install) *** The FACTS 7.4 Installation Manual is located on the FACTS Installation CD and it also is available on the Affiliate Nexus. If you ordered the EDI module, the EDI Alliance provides and maintains that module's documentation. Contact Amy Grace at 301-663-0539, ext. 310 (amy@scorpsys.com). If existing versions of Acrobat Reader (3.0 or 4.0) are installed on the server or any workstations, they may not support the indexing feature. If you want to take advantage of this feature, make sure you use the copy provided in the FACTS 7.4 installation CD. --------------------------------------------- COPYING THE CD CONTENTS TO ANOTHER LOCATION --------------------------------------------- Documents in the PDF library are linked and indexed. To use the index and maintain the links make sure you copy the entire PDF Documentation Library 7.4 folder so that you maintain the relative paths to all the documentation. The entire folder can be copied to a shared network directory (NT systems) or to a local drive on each Windows client. You can copy individual folders out of the PDF Documentation Library 7.4 folder so that certain users only have access to the documentation they need. Doing this breaks the index and may break some of the links. -------------------------------- THE WELCOME PAGE -------------------------------- This document provides an entry point to the PDF Documentation Library. ----------------------------- SEARCHING WITH THE PDF INDEX ----------------------------- The PDF index enables you to search for information in all of the PDF documents included in the library. This is different from the Find feature, which only enables you to lookup information in the document that you have open. To search the library for information on a topic: 1. Open Acrobat Reader 4.0. 2. Choose Edit-->Search-->Query. 3. Type the information you want to look up in the text box and choose the Search button. If the Search button is disabled, follow the LOADING THE PDF INDEX instructions. 4. If the Acrobat search finds matches to your query in more than one document, a Search Results window appears with a list of the documents. The pie to the left of the document name indicates the degree of relevancy to your query. To open a document in the list, double-click on a document in the list or highlight it and choose View. *** For search tips and additional search instructions, choose Help-->Acrobat Guide in Acrobat reader. ***Known issues with the PDF Index: For longer filenames and directory paths, the Acrobat search displays the document name and directory path in the command line at the bottom of the Search Results window. You can still double-click on the document in the list or highlight it and choose View to open the file.****** If you move documents and need to reattach the index, you can do so manually. To attach the index to any file in the Library: 1. Open Adobe Acrobat Reader. 2. Choose Edit -->Search--> Select Indexes from the menu bar or press Cntl+Shift+X on the keyboard. 3. In the Index Selection window, make sure the FACTS 7.4 index is selected. If it appears grayed out, choose Add at the bottom of the window. 4. Navigate to {drive}:\PDF_Library\Index.pdx. Choose Open to select the index and return to the Index Selection window. 5. Make sure FACTS 7.4 appears enabled (black) with a check mark next to it. 6. Choose OK. The file is now attached to the index. ------------------------------------------------ MAKING HARDCOPY PRINTOUTS FROM THIS CD ------------------------------------------------ If you wish to have a complete set of manuals or several sets of manuals created from this CD, make sure you print out and deliver permit.pdf for the copier service personnel. This letter grants you and the copier service permission to reproduce the contents of the FACTS PDF Documentation Library CD within the guidelines stated in the permit.pdf document and the FACTS licensing agreement. ------------------------------------------------ PRINTING AS YOU GO ------------------------------------------------ If you prefer not to print the entire set of manuals, you can print the sections of the documenation you need to your office laser or deskjet printer. Simple choose File-->Print from the menu bar and select the page range to output. ------------------------------------------------ IMPROVING PRINTING PERFORMANCE ------------------------------------------------ If you are running the Library directly from the CD and printer performance seems slow or you cannot complete a print job, it may mean that the CD drive is too slow to support the Library. Try copying the entire contents of the CD to a local drive, and then try printing. If you want to maintain the index and the document links, you must copy the entire library and maintain the relative paths. ------------------------------------------------