Budgets Print (GLR740)

Using Reports

Use the Budgets Print program to obtain a printout of the account budgets stored in the GL budgets file.

Processing Notes

You have the option to:

Templates that store "current period" (or similar values like "system date") resolve to the "current period at the time the report is run" rather than what the "current period" was at the time the template was created. For example: If you save a template for the Budgets Print and select "Current Period" for the Ending Period field, when that template is selected to run again (either manually or via Job Stream) the ending period is determined using the current period in the Company Periods & Ending Dates F/M (GLF970) when the report is run not the period when the template was created.

Report information includes the following: GL account number, description, period, and budget figures for the periods selected. Because of limitations due to paper size, a maximum of six periods’ budgets can be printed at any one time. The printout is broken down according to the breaks set up through the Trial Balance Total Breaks F/M. The total number of account numbers listed is also included.

Information in the budget file is created through the Budget F/M program.

Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->Reports & Prints-->Budgets Print.

Use the following fields to print period budgets:

1. Beginning G/L #

Select the beginning GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) or image\ex_allft_shg.gif to default to FIRST.

2. Ending G/L #

Select the ending GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) (CR) to default to LAST.

3. Branch

Enter the branch to print. The entry must be a valid branch. Press Enter (CR) or image\all_shg.gif to default to all branches.

4. Department

Enter the department to print. The entry must be a valid department. Press Enter (CR) or image\all_shg.gif to default to all departments.

5. Ending Period

Enter the ending period to print. The entry must be a valid period. Press Enter (CR) to default to the current period. Press F2 to default to last period closed.

6. Number Of Periods

Enter the number of periods to print (1 to 6) including the ending period. Press Enter (CR) to default to 1.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports, registers, and prints as audit trails

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options