Use the Budget F/M program to set up and maintain the budget information file.
Budgets are stored for the previous 27 periods, the current period and the next 13 periods for each account. The program uses a change parameters routine that allows for rapid changing of budget amounts.
You have the option to:
Information created by this program can be printed using the Budget Print program and budgets can be used in printing various financial reports.
Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->File Maintenances-->Budget F/M.
New to enter a new record. Use the
to navigate through budget records. To delete a record, display it and press the
Delete button.
1. GL Account Number
Enter the General Ledger account number. The entry must be a valid GL account number. Press F2 or
to search existing account numbers.
In the browser in the lower portion of the screen, FACTS displays the periods, budget amounts and ending balances for the GL account number. Select the period to modify and press .
2. Budget Amounts
Enter the budget (+/-99999999.99) for 12 future periods (FP), next period (NP), current period (CP), last period (LP), 25 past periods (PP) and the oldest past period (OP). Press F3 to set the remaining periods to 0. Press F1 or to default to the amount entered for the previous period.
3. Ending Balances
The system calculates the ending balance based on your budget amount entry.
4. You can select:
Parameterize to enter change the amounts for period line selected in the browser The dialog displays the following fields:
Beginning Period
Enter the starting period for the change amount.
Ending Period
Enter the ending period for the change amount.
Current Amount
Indicate whether to A-Add the change amount to the ending balance or R-Replace to replace the ending balance with the change amount.
Indicate the type of the amount change . You can select from:
I Individual. The user enters the change amount for every line to be changed.
M Multiple. The change amount entered is added to or replaces the existing budget amount for every line to be changed.
D Distributed. The change amount entered is distributed among the number of lines to change and this distributed amount is added to or replaces the existing budget amount for every line to be changed.
P Percent changes. The percentage change amount entered is added to or replaces the existing budget amount.
Amount for
Enter the amount change .
Press OK to enter the parameter information in the dialog and return to the Budget F/M screen.
Press Cancel to return to the Budget F/M screen without entering any information.
When you are finished maintaining budget lines on the Budget F/M screen you can press:
Stop to complete the ending balance record entry.
Save to save your changes,
Done to return to the GL Maintenance menu.
See Also
For more detailed information on file maintenance programs, consult the following topics.