Chart of Accounts (GLR750)

Using Reports

Use the Chart of Accounts program to obtain a printout of the General Ledger Chart of Accounts.

Processing Notes

You have the option to:

GL account numbers are entered through the Account F/M program.

Report information includes the following: GL account number, type of account, description and summary management type. The total number of account numbers listed is also included.

Access this program by choosing General Ledger-->Reports & Prints-->Chart of Accounts.

Use the following fields to print a GL Chart of Accounts:

1. Order

Enter whether to print in G-general ledger account number, A-alpha, T-account type (asset, liability, expense, revenue, capital), or S-summary management type order. For example, if the user wants to print in account type order, enter T. Press Enter (CR) to default to G.

2. Beginning Order Choice

Enter the beginning order choice to be selected; e.g., if GL account number (G) was chosen above, the user selects the beginning GL account number to print. Press Enter (CR) or image\ex_allft_shg.gif to default to FIRST. To select account types, click image\aps200_shg.gif.

3. Ending Order Choice

Enter the ending order choice to be selected; e.g., if GL account number (G) was chosen above, the user selects the ending GL account number to print. If the user wants to select a single GL account number (or selection choice), enter the same field as the beginning choice. Press Enter (CR) or image\ex_allrt_shg.gif to default to LAST. To select account types, click image\aps200_shg.gif.

4. Include Summary Management Type

This checkbox is skipped if S was selected for field #1. Indicate whether to print the summary management type on the report. Press Enter (CR) to default to unselected.

See Also

Selecting existing templates

Creating system templates

Editing the order, range and properties stored in templates

Setting printer properties in templates

Using print options in reports

Setting a default printer using templates topics

Using print options

Using report templates

Viewing reports on screen (using the viewer)

Using reports, registers, and prints as audit trails

Register formats and procedures

Reports and Prints Menu Options