How to enter job details

1. Access this program by selecting Job Cost-->Estimate-->Job Entry (JCE210) and complete the job header information. Refer to the How to enter job header information procedure for step-by-step instructions.

2. The contract section displays the information entered from the job agreement (or sales contract): the original contract number, the date of the contract, the agreed upon amount for the job (if any), the revised date and revised total amount (if applicable), and the units and unit of measure. If the job was converted from an estimate, the contract amount, units and units of measure are taken from the estimate file. If an estimate was not created in the Job Cost system, manually enter the following:

Contract Number

Contract Date

Contract Amount

Revised Contract Date

Revised Contract Amount

3. In the Units field, enter the number of units (+9999999999) involved in completing the job. For example, 1 pool, 50000 boxes, 60 acres, etc. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to blanks.

4. In the Unit of Measure field, enter the unit of measure for the unit quantity entered in field #24 (up to 6 characters). CR defaults to the displayed value (initially blanks). This field is skipped if no units were entered.

5. In the Billing Section complete the required billing information.

6 In the Billing Type field, enter the contract billing type for this estimate. Press Enter (CR) to initially default to the default billing type flag set in the Job Cost Static Control F/M..If a job was converted from an estimate, Job Entry uses the estimate’s billing type and frequency.

You can select from the following options:

F - Fixed contract. Selecting F signals to the system that the job has a fixed amount that can be charged. For example, your customer agreed to have a parking lot paved for $25,000. The contract type is fixed, because no matter what it costs in time, labor and materials, $25,000 is all that can be charged. Once the billing reaches the fixed limit, invoices will not print until the limit has been raised. If this type is entered the line-item's extensions will add up to the price total in the header; but, will be completely independent from the contract price. However, tax is calculated on the contract price and freight is added to the contract price as well, in order to figure the new total in the ending routine.

C - Cost plus contract. Selecting C signals to the system to post the cost of the materials and/or labor plus a gross profit percentage. For example, your customer agreed having a parking lot paved for 10% over cost. The contract type is cost plus, because the billing amount is based on the cost times the same markup percentage no matter what type of cost it is. If it costs $25000, the system bills $27,500; if it costs $30,000, the system bills 33,000, etc. The cost plus billing type does affect the posting programs. You will only be able to override the cost plus percentage as a mark-up method in the individual job review.

T - Time and materials. Selecting T signals to the system to bill according to normal charges for time and materials. The user calculates charges for time and materials by the normal method and rate and then charges for each accordingly. In other words, costs are not added in to one lump sum and marked up, nor is the markup rate for all costs the same. For example, your customer agreed to have a parking lot paved for time and materials not to exceed $25,000. You would then bill for his costs according to normal markup rates: $4 on an hour for labor, 30% on a stocked inventory item, 35% on a nonstocked item, etc. You then post his costs:

500 man hrs @ $6 hr plus $4 hr=


300 yds asphalt @ $40 yd plus 30%=


40 gal paint @ $400 plus 35%=


total billing=



N - No charge. Selecting N signals to the system to accept no billing amounts when posting to the job. You are able to enter and track costs that post against jobs, but the billing extension is always zero. This type might be used for warranty work. The user is able to override this in the individual job review.

7. In the Markup % field, enter the percentage to mark up costs when calculating the bill rate (0-99.99). If this job was created from an estimate that had a billing type of cost plus, press Enter (CR) to default to the markup percentage on the estimate. Otherwise, press Enter (CR) to default to .00. This field is only available if you entered C in the Billing Type field.

8. In the Frequency field, enter M-bill the customer on a monthly basis for the job, C-bill the customer once upon completion of the job, or D-bill the customer on demand (whenever invoices exist for the job). Press Enter (CR) to default to M.

9. In the Detail field, enter T-print the cost type and cost type total in the detail portion of the invoice, C-print the totals for each cost code under this cost type on the detail portion of the invoice. Press Enter (CR) to default to T. A detail printing instruction code has to be entered for every cost type on file; e.g., if there are five cost types set up the user must enter five instruction codes. The detail instruction code corresponds to the cost type printed directly below it.

10. In the Actual Section, you must manually enter all information. None of the information in this section comes from the job estimate.

11. In the Start Date field, enter the date work started on the job. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

12. In the % Complete field, enter the percentage of completion for the job. This percentage represents how much of the job is done. This figure is updated in the Job Completion Entry program and is used in Automatic Job Selection program to determine whether invoices can be created for fixed contract jobs. (If a fixed contract job is 50% completed, the system does not allow invoices to be created for over 50% of the contract amount.) Press Enter (CR) to default to 0%.

13. (Optional) In the Date % Complete the system automatically displays the information you enter through the Job Completion Entry program. However, you can enter a different date if necessary. Press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

14. Press F1 at the main screen to access the Estimate Section

15. In the Start Date field, enter the date worked was estimated to start on the job. If this job was created from an estimate, press Enter (CR) to default to the start dated from the estimate; otherwise, press Enter (CR) to default to the system date.

16. In the Finish Date field, enter the date work was estimated to be complete on the job. If this was created from an estimate, press Enter (CR) to default to the finish date from the estimate.

17. In the Revised Finish Date field, enter the most current completion date that as revised. Press Enter (CR) to default to no revised date.

18. The Estimated Cost Amount and Estimated Billing Amount fields are repeated as many times as there are cost types. Enter estimated cost and billing amounts for each cost type. After each entry, the program updates the estimated cost and billing amount running totals. For each cost type complete the following:

In the Estimated Cost Amount field, enter the estimated cost amount for the displayed cost type (+/-9999999.99). If this job was created from an estimate, press
Enter (CR) to initially default to the total cost of all line items that re of the displayed cost type; otherwise, press Enter (CR) to default to .00.

In the Estimated Billing Amount field, enter the estimated billing amount for the displayed cost type (+/-9999999.99). If this job was created from an estimate, press Enter (CR) to initially default to the total billing amount of all line items that re of the displayed cost type; otherwise, press Enter (CR) to default to .00.

19. This concludes an entry of a job in the Job Entry program. Following the entry of the last detail field, you can perform a number of functions.

 D - Deletes the job

 F1 - Changes detail screen to estimate screen or main screen

 F2 - Changes header information

 F3 - Changes detail information

20. Upon completion of the update, the screen is cleared of field information and the program returns to the job number field (field #1) to await further job entries. You can enter additional jobs or press F4 to exit.