image\jcs500_shg.gif Job Cost Completion Overview (JCS500)

The Job Completion menu enables you to get completion updates into the system and to convert completed jobs to past jobs.

Fixed contract jobs have a total billing amount. The system does not allow invoices to be created for a job if the amount already billed, is higher than the amount accomplished (percentage of completion times the total bill amount). In these cases, you must update the completion percentage before running the Automatic Job Selection program.

Programs available in the Job Cost Completion system:

Job Completion Entry (JCE510)

Use this program to enter completion percentages into the system

Job Completion Worksheet (JCR510)

Use this program to get an accurate calculation of the completion percentage. The Job Completion Worksheet prints a listing of all active jobs and the necessary information to estimate the completion percentage.

Job Completion & Removal Register (JCR520)

Use this program to update and convert completed jobs to past jobs if the Store Job History flag is set to Y for the job. Jobs with billing frequency of C (bill when complete) can also be billed. The Job Completion & Removal Register, writes the job to the past jobs file, removes the job from the jobs file (and all corresponding sort records), and updates the various job cost files.